Re: _PLEASE_ stop babbling about religion [OT] (was Re: A89: Re: OT:da
Re: _PLEASE_ stop babbling about religion [OT] (was Re: A89: Re: OT:darwin)
If you don't want to hear people whining about 8k limits and how TI
screwed them over, why the hell are you on this list? At least people
who whine about the calc problems are whining about 89 related stuff.
> Assembly 89? Is this any worse then all the people complaining about the 8k
> limit or crying that they have Hw2 and want to get a refund.
> I dont like getting mail about that but I dont care if you send it, my
> delete key works just as good as the next guys.
> If you think it's lame you can modify your client to not recieve messages
> containing god/religion/darwin/evolution and remain sheltered in your
> calculator fantasy. If all you do is play with your calculators maybe
> insiting some anger is good for you.