Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?


Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?

Actually, I tried to communicate with bryan via AIM, it didnt work real well 
seeing as he likes the attention of everyone reading what he says on the 
list. Bryan, also in responding to the off-topic comments list you made, I 
won't even make a record of yours, one because I'm not a total loser and 
don't have that much free time, and because it would be far too long. If I'm 
not wrong, you even started a couple of the threads. Now my question to you 
is, have you ever even started a non-off-topic thread? Have you ever posted a 
on-topic mail? Nope. Thankyou. Now directly to it? Do you know 
either me or Bryan beyond the list? I don't think you know me. How long have 
you been on the list? If you were on it since Bryan was fired, you'd know why 
I was fed up with his off-topic posting, mainly because it's all he post. 
Bryan does not know z80 ASM, Bryan is not even trying to lear z80 ASM to my 
knowledge, now I ask you, why is he on the list? I can give a fairly good 
answer. Pretty much no one in a TI-Related channel on EFNet IRC likes him. 
Therefore he was banned from every channel because all he would talk about 
was and how communist they are, so now he needs someone to hear 
him, because some way he thinks it will help, and he chose us. It sucks, 
infact, I talked to bryan and he says that he's not even off-topic because 
its a list, therefore anything about is not off-topic. 
This couldn't be more false, this list is about Assembly for the TI-86, not 
some hate mail list for, sorry, let it go, you're fired, 
now I see why, release so you can stop telling people it's going 
to be better than all the current sites combined because I don't buy it 
anymore. This will be my last and final reply to anything along the lines of 
the past threads.


Subj:    Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say? 
Date:   1/18/00 4:23:51 PM Central Standard Time

Ok, The last fifteen emails that i have read are from you two!  I don't care 
who is right or who is wrong.  SHUT UP!  I apologize to the others on this 
list and any further requests for Bryan and Danny to shut up will be made to 
their emails, not the A86 mailing list.  I suggest that you, Bryan and Danny, 
do your bashing privately and email each other, not the mailing list.

Sorry again for the additional spam the rest of you had to put up with
