Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?
Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?
Didn't he just tell you to shutup? :) I thought you were the one that wanted
the off-topic posts to stop? And now you go on and on and speak all these lies
about me.. don't you see a contradiction here?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?
> Actually, I tried to communicate with bryan via AIM, it didnt work real well
> seeing as he likes the attention of everyone reading what he says on the
> list. Bryan, also in responding to the off-topic comments list you made, I
> won't even make a record of yours, one because I'm not a total loser and
> don't have that much free time, and because it would be far too long. If I'm
> not wrong, you even started a couple of the threads. Now my question to you
> is, have you ever even started a non-off-topic thread? Have you ever posted a
> on-topic mail? Nope. Thankyou. Now directly to it? Do you know
> either me or Bryan beyond the list? I don't think you know me. How long have
> you been on the list? If you were on it since Bryan was fired, you'd know why
> I was fed up with his off-topic posting, mainly because it's all he post.
> Bryan does not know z80 ASM, Bryan is not even trying to lear z80 ASM to my
> knowledge, now I ask you, why is he on the list? I can give a fairly good
> answer. Pretty much no one in a TI-Related channel on EFNet IRC likes him.
> Therefore he was banned from every channel because all he would talk about
> was and how communist they are, so now he needs someone to hear
> him, because some way he thinks it will help, and he chose us. It sucks,
> infact, I talked to bryan and he says that he's not even off-topic because
> its a list, therefore anything about is not off-topic.
> This couldn't be more false, this list is about Assembly for the TI-86, not
> some hate mail list for, sorry, let it go, you're fired,
> now I see why, release so you can stop telling people it's going
> to be better than all the current sites combined because I don't buy it
> anymore. This will be my last and final reply to anything along the lines of
> the past threads.
> Thankyou,
> Danny
> <<
> Subj: Re: Re[2]: A86: Re: anything useful to say?
> Date: 1/18/00 4:23:51 PM Central Standard Time
> From:
> Sender:
> Reply-to:
> To:
> Ok, The last fifteen emails that i have read are from you two! I don't care
> who is right or who is wrong. SHUT UP! I apologize to the others on this
> list and any further requests for Bryan and Danny to shut up will be made to
> their emails, not the A86 mailing list. I suggest that you, Bryan and Danny,
> do your bashing privately and email each other, not the mailing list.
> Sorry again for the additional spam the rest of you had to put up with
> Cliff
> >>