Re: A85: Shells and games


Re: A85: Shells and games

Jimmy Mårdell wrote:
> Well, YOUR programs would be smaller if made for Usgard, so I don't
> really get your point... by making your own routines instead of use OS
> built in routines, the program gets bigger.

None of my programs use anything that Usgard has in it.. Therefore my
programs wouldn't be any smaller if I used usgard!

> I wouldn't say that you're an optimiztion nut, rather someone who wants
> to write all code by yourself (ie not use other peoples routines).

See above statement!

> ...even though it gets bigger in the end. Well, it's your choice. What
> is this OS/7 really? Never heard of it. I don't like phatos relocation

OS/7.. It's the smallest shell released.. I like the author's attitude,
though.. Just made it for himself, released it, and doesn't give a shit
if people use it or not (unlike certain OTHER shellmakers out there..)

> because it limits the programming possibilities. If you don't update the
> VAT, you can't even use external variables.

None of my programs NEED to use external variables.. 

> You must make strange programs...

Oh, so just because I don't use what Usgard has in it my programs are

Don't any of you read the messages?  My comment was that the Shell that
is best for a programmer all depends on what he programs, and has
nothing to do with his competence!!  But a whole bunch of you seem stuck
on thinking that what you prefer HAS to be best for everyone!!

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*  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  *
* <> *
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