LZ: TI-85 emulator
LZ: TI-85 emulator
In message <96071623054469@foma.wsc.mass.edu>,
s_wrobleski@foma.wsc.mass.edu writes
>I was wondering where i can find the rom file for the ti-85 emulator, i cannot
>seem to find it. A url/ftp site/ uuencoded copy to my email would be appreciated
I don't know, sorry. Presumably a page which has the TI-85 emulator
would have it, so you caould type 'TI-85 emulator' into a search engine
and it would find it.
` | |.,-.. , Nicholas Metcalfe
| ||| |/ nick@salokin.demon.co.uk
' `'`-'|\ http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7157/
' `
- (no subject)
- From: s_wrobleski@foma.wsc.mass.edu <s_wrobleski@foma.wsc.mass.edu>