[A83] Re: Warming up


[A83] Re: Warming up

Original message by Thomaz Lutz.

> I really think the Hays guy is mocking us by posting all this bullshit.
> Especially when u guys take him seriously. He just thinks it's funny when
> get all hostile. I know it's REALLY REALLY tough....but I say we try to
> any future posts from Hays. I suggest that everyone turns on their e-mail
> filtering and turns it off only when you start using the "Doorways" O/S
> your calc. Hence, it will be on forever.

Well, I quite like the Hays emails actually. Well, I liked them, but now
they become irritating. I agree with you, though "MMM" is an interesting
psychological phenomenon. So if you know someone studying psychologie, get
them here please!
