[A83] Re: Ambivalent Ion programs [83/83+] ADDED in P.P.S., Ambivalen
[A83] Re: Ambivalent Ion programs [83/83+] ADDED in P.P.S., Ambivalent Miragos Programs
I know that adding this type of junk is teriibly inefficient, you don;t have to
tell me that.
But user-friendliness is almost alway inefficient use of space. :-)
Besides, I'm not expecting everyone to do this trick, I'm not even expecting
myself to do this trick.
It's just a nice trick to "impress your friends", or help out your (err, my)
stupid classmates, who come into contact with shells for the first time, anfter
a year or two running programs from TIOS.
I just got a little over-exited, that's all.
The idea with mirageos was just because I got excited with the "hack", and all
I meant to ask was: will it work?? (I still like to know)
(besides, no complaints about MirageOS, it's still great, and changing the
format would definately be a stupid idea)
:-) --Peter Martijn
Dan Englender wrote:
> There's a few problems with your suggested schem. First of all, your code
> to detect whether TIOS or Ion ran the program will not work. When the
> program is run from Ion, even though the xor a is skipped, A is still zero.
> Before running programs, Ion executes an xor a so that the carry flag will
> be reset and the no-carry jump will be taken. So that wont work.
> On the subject of MirageOS programs, I'm not going to change the format at
> this point to support not-running them from TIOS. I mean, if you could
> actually run them from TIOS, that would be one thing (though obviously
> impossible because of all the library routines). But to waste the space in
> every program just to tell you that you can't run it from TIOS anyhow seems
> an incredibly silly thing to do. If the program doesn't start, you can't
> run it, end of story. The code you propose for MirageOS adds approx.
> another 80 bytes to each program. If you have 30 programs, you've just
> spend about 2.5K just to display a little message that you can't run the
> program from TIOS, which would have been obvious to anyone who tried to.
> Sorry to be so negative, bad pizza,
> -Dan Englender
--- stripped the previous messages, way too long! ---