[A83] Re: Ambivalent Ion programs


[A83] Re: Ambivalent Ion programs

> Van: Emir Sakic <saka@hotmail.com>
> But you had a good point.

Yes, but I've thought about something else, Ion calls to progstart+1, so it
jumps over the potential RET or XOR A (!).
The TIOS (hmm, realy ZASMLOAD on the Ti-83) jumps to progstart...
So it would execute the RET or XOR A.

Well, since it doesn't matter if you put a RET or an XOR A in your
Ion-header (Ion will ALWAYS load the lib-vectors, if you don't believe me,
look at the source...) you could just do a check for A = 0.

To be sure you also check if the zero-flag is set, it could be that Ion has
set A to zero before jumping to your code.

So it would be:
>       .nolist
>       #include "ion.inc"
>       .list
> #ifdef TI83P
>       .org progstart-2
>       .db $BB,$6D
> #else
>       .org progstart
> #endif
>       xor a
>       jr nc,start
>       .db "ION vs. TI-OS",0
> start:
	jr	nz,_Ion_start
	or	a
	jr	z,_TIOS_start
>       bcall(_clrlcdf)
>       bcall(_homeup)
>       ld hl,txt
>       bcall(_puts)
>       bcall(_getkey)
>       ret
> _TIOS_start:
>       bcall(_clrlcdf)
>       bcall(_homeup)
>       ld hl,txt2
>       bcall(_puts)
>       bcall(_newline)
>       ret
> txt:
>       .db "OK..Ion is cool!",0
> txt2:
>       .db "I hate TI-OS!",0
> .end

Should work (I think)

	Henk Poley
