[A83] Re: 83-Plus Assembly programming header
[A83] Re: 83-Plus Assembly programming header
Thanks a lot. Also, I wanted to know if the address for ".org" that I
included is right for the 83plus? And did I #include all the files I needed
Thanks for the help.
>ROM calls need to use the macro bcall instead of just doing
>explicit calls.
> ld a,1
> bcall(_setxxop1)
> bcall(_stox)
> ret
>And do the same for all the other ROM calls. Calls to
>subroutines within
>your own program can use regular call, but all ROM calls need
>to use bcall.
>In a message dated 4/4/2001 5:37:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>darthvader102@knology.net writes:
>> Can you tell me if my code is right? This is for TI-83 PLus
>and it only
>> causes my calc to crash:
>> #define equ .equ
>> #define EQU .equ
>> #include "ti83plus.inc"
>> .LIST
>> .org 9D95h
>> begin:
>> ld a,6
>> cp 6
>> jr z,yes
>> jr nz,no
>> yes:
>> ld a,1
>> call _setxxop1
>> call _stox
>> ret
>> no:
>> ld a,0
>> call _setxxop1
>> call _stox
>> ret
>> .end
>> END
>> That is exactly what is in the "test.z80" file. I compiled
>it with TASM and
>> manually removed the first 8 chars of the object code and
>the last two, and
>> then the last line.
>> Have I done anything wrong?
>> Please help me.
>Jonah Cohen