[A83] Re: 83-Plus Assembly programming header
[A83] Re: 83-Plus Assembly programming header
ROM calls need to use the macro bcall instead of just doing explicit calls.
ld a,1
And do the same for all the other ROM calls. Calls to subroutines within
your own program can use regular call, but all ROM calls need to use bcall.
In a message dated 4/4/2001 5:37:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
darthvader102@knology.net writes:
> Can you tell me if my code is right? This is for TI-83 PLus and it only
> causes my calc to crash:
> #define equ .equ
> #define EQU .equ
> #include "ti83plus.inc"
> .org 9D95h
> begin:
> ld a,6
> cp 6
> jr z,yes
> jr nz,no
> yes:
> ld a,1
> call _setxxop1
> call _stox
> ret
> no:
> ld a,0
> call _setxxop1
> call _stox
> ret
> .end
> That is exactly what is in the "test.z80" file. I compiled it with TASM and
> manually removed the first 8 chars of the object code and the last two, and
> then the last line.
> Have I done anything wrong?
> Please help me.
Jonah Cohen