[A83] WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!


[A83] WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!

Hello all of my wonderful friends.  I am at the point of thowing both my
computer and my calculator out the second story window of my house!!!!  As
most of you well know I've been on this list scince around October and
I've yet to come up with a single succesful program yet.  I own a
TI-83+ and have been deperatly been trying to write simple programs for
the thing like clearing the screen and moving to the next line but no
matter what I do or how hard I try or what software I use IT JUST DON'T
WORK FOR DIS BROTHA!!!!!!  WHat am I doing wrong?  I at first tried just
the simple no shell ASM that is supposed to run on the calc the day it
comes off of the assembly line.  That didn't work.  I tried to change my
compiler to an upgraded version of TASM and it still didn't work.  I am
currently using TASM and DEVPAC8X and I'm getting nowhere.  The only
program I have at the moment is a program that is suppoed to lear the
screen that I tried to write for ION.  Pleas I'm begging you tell me what
I'm doing wrong.

#include "ion.inc"
#ifdef TI83P
.org   progstart-2
.db    $BB,$6D
.org   progstart
  jr nc,lblStart
  .db "Description",0

Thank youy to all of you who can help me.

