Re: A83: Help with my rpg
Re: A83: Help with my rpg
I wrote a little matrix function that might help. Also, getting from R is
easy too. The code to recall R comes straight from AsmGuru, only I
changed the var from W to R
call _zerooop1
ld hl,op1+1
ld (hl),'R' ; or any other var
call _rclvarsym ; op1 / op2 -> value
call _convop1
ex de,hl
call _disphl
All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.
Here's the matrix program. I commented almost every line.
Hope this helps you
.NOLIST ; Defines area which isn't code.
#define end .end
#define END .end
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#include ""
#include ""
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
.LIST ; Defines area which IS code.
.org 9327h
ld a,tMatA ;load A with the matrix you want to write to
ld b,5 ;load B with the number of rows to write
ld c,5 ;load C with the number of columns to write
ld de,matdata ;load DE with a pointer to the data to copy
call matcall ;call the function
matdata: ;data to copy to matrix
.dw 1,2,3,4,5 ;stored in words
.dw 6,7,8,9,10
.dw 11,12,13,14,15
.dw 16,17,18,19,20
.dw 21,22,23,24,25
ld (ptr),de ;set up pointer to data
inc b ;fix max rows
inc c ;and cols
ld (maxrowcol),bc ;put them in memory
ld hl,OP1 ;load the pointer to OP1 into HL
ld (hl),2 ;set it up with the name of the matrix
inc hl ;the 2 is the Matrix object type
;for some reason it's not equated in or
ld (hl),tVarMat ;tVarMat=1st of 2 tokens for matrices
inc hl
ld (hl),a ;a has the other one
inc hl
ld (hl),0 ;null terminated
call _chkfindsym;look up symbol
jp c, _errundefined ;ERR:UNDEFINED if undefined
push de ;save pointer to matrix
ld bc,0101h ;load BC to first row, first col
push bc ;save it
ld hl,(ptr) ;load HL with the pointer to the matrix data
ld e,(hl) ;load DE with word that HL points to
inc hl ;the hard way
ld d,(hl) ;because Z80 won't allow me to simply ld de,(hl)
ex de,hl ;now switch them because I want DE in HL and I can't ld hl,de
call _setxxxxop2;copy HL into OP2
call _op1exop2 ;exchange OP1 and OP2
pop bc ;restore pointer to row/col of matrix
pop de ;restore pointer to matrix start
push de ;save it again
push bc ; " "
call _puttomat ;put data in HL to matrix row B col C
ld hl,ptr ;load pointer into HL
inc (hl) ;at last Z80 is helpful
inc (hl) ; " "
pop bc ;restore row/col
inc c ;increment col
push bc ;save it again
ld a,c ;copy into A because Z80 won't compare with C
ld bc,(maxrowcol) ;load max row/col into BC
cp c ;compare our current row/col with max
jr nz,loope ;if not at max, loop again
pop bc ;restore row/col (it's already in there, this is just cleaning up the stack)
ld c,1 ;reset the column to 1
inc b ;increment the row
push bc ;save it
ld a,b ;move row into A
ld bc,(maxrowcol) ;load max row/col
cp b ;compare current row with max row
jr nz,loope ;loop if not at max
pop bc ;clean up
pop de ;the stack
ret ;and return
.dw 0
.dw 0
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 wrote:
> Ok heres my idea: I'm a very good basic programmer and i'm a beginner at
> ASM(actually i just don't know how to do what i want to do) But my idea for a
> rpg will be that, Rendering will all be done in asm(for speed), and the other
> stuff, that dosn't really rely on drawing(ex battles(besides the enemies),
> menu's, that sort of stuff) would be programmed in basic.
> but i was wondering if anyone could help me out by, either telling me how, or
> just giving me the code(i would like this better but either way would be
> fine), to do the following:
> 1 input R ( a var that says which map to load)(it is set by the basic program)
> 2 the drawing program finds the correct data(it's only 1 screen wide and tall)
> 3 the drawing program then draws the tiles onto the screen
> 4 the drawing program finds the correct tileinfo( ex: 1=
> nonpassable,2=special,0= passable)
> 5 The drawing program then saves that info into [A](for use with hit checking
> and the like)
> 6 it then sends control back to the basic part of the program....
> If anyone can help me with this then it would be a great help, it would be
> even better if someone just gave me the code but i'll accept anything
> I can make a program that inputs 3 vars, and then displays your char easily
> if anyone can help me with that i will be very gratefull.
> Thanks, Bye