A83: Help with my rpg


A83: Help with my rpg

Ok heres my idea: I'm a very good basic programmer and i'm a beginner at 
ASM(actually i just don't know how to do what i want to do) But my idea for a 
rpg will be that, Rendering will all be done in asm(for speed), and the other 
stuff, that dosn't really rely on drawing(ex battles(besides the enemies), 
menu's, that sort of stuff) would be programmed in basic.

but i was wondering if anyone could help me out by, either telling me how, or 
just giving me the code(i would like this better but either way would be 
fine), to do the following:

1 input R ( a var that says which map to load)(it is set by the basic program)
2 the drawing program finds the correct data(it's only 1 screen wide and tall)
3 the drawing program then draws the tiles onto the screen
4 the drawing program finds the correct tileinfo( ex: 1= 
nonpassable,2=special,0= passable)
5 The drawing program then saves that info into [A](for use with hit checking 
and the like)
6 it then sends control back to the basic part of the program....

If anyone can help me with this then it would be a great help, it would be 
even better if someone just gave me the code but i'll accept anything
I can make a program that inputs 3 vars, and then displays your char easily 
enough...so if anyone can help me with that i will be very gratefull.
Thanks, Bye
