Re: A83: Help with my rpg


Re: A83: Help with my rpg

I would suggest that you write the program entirely in asm, since in most 
cases it is more difficult (and much more inefficient) to write a program 
in asm that receives input from a basic program.  For instance the 
information for each tile would take up one byte (less with compression) in 
assembly, whereas in basic if you use a matrix (containing real numbers), i 
believe it takes up 15.  Besides if you work at learning assembly, it 
shouldn't be that difficult, and your program will be much improved.


At 03:54 PM 8/30/00 -0400, you wrote:

>Ok heres my idea: I'm a very good basic programmer and i'm a beginner at
>ASM(actually i just don't know how to do what i want to do) But my idea for a
>rpg will be that, Rendering will all be done in asm(for speed), and the other
>stuff, that dosn't really rely on drawing(ex battles(besides the enemies),
>menu's, that sort of stuff) would be programmed in basic.
>but i was wondering if anyone could help me out by, either telling me how, or
>just giving me the code(i would like this better but either way would be
>fine), to do the following:
>1 input R ( a var that says which map to load)(it is set by the basic program)
>2 the drawing program finds the correct data(it's only 1 screen wide and tall)
>3 the drawing program then draws the tiles onto the screen
>4 the drawing program finds the correct tileinfo( ex: 1=
>nonpassable,2=special,0= passable)
>5 The drawing program then saves that info into [A](for use with hit checking
>and the like)
>6 it then sends control back to the basic part of the program....
>If anyone can help me with this then it would be a great help, it would be
>even better if someone just gave me the code but i'll accept anything
>I can make a program that inputs 3 vars, and then displays your char easily
> if anyone can help me with that i will be very gratefull.
>Thanks, Bye
