A83: Compare from 'hl'...?
A83: Compare from 'hl'...?
Whats the best way to test a 16-Bit Number in 'hl'? I'm using Linus' new Menu
Emulator and when you choose an item from the menu, it outputs a value to
'hl'... If you choose from the first submenu, its a number from 1-256 and I
know how to test that with a compare, but from the other submenus, the value
is a 16-Bit Number... how do I test for that? Would this routine work...? My
program crashes, but Im not sure if its this routine or something else, but
can somebody check this or give me a better way...? Thanks. =)
--Jason K.
;choosing the first item from the 2nd submenu,
;it outputs the value '257' to 'hl'...
ld a, 255
call _SETXXOP1
call _PLUS1
call _INVSUB
call _OP2TOOP1
call _CONVOP1
ex de, hl
ld a, l
cp 1
jp z, Label