RE: A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!


RE: A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!

>>    If you were to include a sprite routine with the shell, choose 
>> XOR only one, and leave out the AND/XOR because I doubt many people
>> will use that variation.
>well, we'll see what other people have to say about that one.
>>   How about making a standard masking variation of SprClp? That 
>> be very useful.
>what do you mean by a "standard mask"?  How exactly is that supposed 

   Masking the way Jimmy Mardell's SQRXZ routine does it or the 5-6 
other masking routines. First sprite is a standard sprite, the 
following is a bit mask. Anything not a one in the mask, XOR's onto 
the screen.

 .db %00111100
 .db %01000010
 .db %10100101
 .db %10011001
 .db %10100101
 .db %01000010
 .db %00111100
 .db 0

 .db %00111100
 .db %01111110
 .db %11111111
 .db %11111111
 .db %11111111
 .db %01111110
 .db %00111100
 .db 0


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