Re: A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!


Re: A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!

Well, I think that it would be useful to have an included sprite routine in CrASH, but there are so many different routines out there that have different features. A programmer usually just picks the one that serves his/her purposes best. Creating a good general purpose sprite routine is a hard thing to do. Some people only need a raw 8 by 8 spriteput routine. Others may need an 8 by x, x by 8, or x by x routine. Some may need clipping or masking too. What would be useful is a standard graphics library, but I'm not sure we could all agree on that.


On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:07:47   CrASH_Man wrote:
>I finally finished SpriteClip v3.0 today.  There was a nasty glitch in there
>but I managed to fix it.
>This was a very fun project, as I kept finding newer and newer ways to plot
>the 8x8 sprite.
>This final routine runs at a flat 2199 clocks with 8x8 sprites (Jeff thought
>it would never get below 2300 but I proved him wrong :P) which is 182 clocks
>faster than the old one; though it is the same size (177 bytes).
>I also have ideas about including the AND/XOR sprite routine and the XOR
>only sprite routine in CrASH2 (like CrGRBCopy is in there right now)...  I
>think it's a good idea because it would greatly save space, as each program
>wouldn't need the space-costly sprite routines.  I would like to hear
>opinions on this...
>Thanks for reading!
>PS. I've attached the newest zip to this mail, so whoever wants it can
>download it.
>PPS. If anyone can optimize this routine any more than it is right now,
>please tell me :P

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