A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!


A82: SpriteClip v3.0!!

I finally finished SpriteClip v3.0 today.  There was a nasty glitch in there
but I managed to fix it.

This was a very fun project, as I kept finding newer and newer ways to plot
the 8x8 sprite.
This final routine runs at a flat 2199 clocks with 8x8 sprites (Jeff thought
it would never get below 2300 but I proved him wrong :P) which is 182 clocks
faster than the old one; though it is the same size (177 bytes).

I also have ideas about including the AND/XOR sprite routine and the XOR
only sprite routine in CrASH2 (like CrGRBCopy is in there right now)...  I
think it's a good idea because it would greatly save space, as each program
wouldn't need the space-costly sprite routines.  I would like to hear
opinions on this...

Thanks for reading!


PS. I've attached the newest zip to this mail, so whoever wants it can
download it.

PPS. If anyone can optimize this routine any more than it is right now,
please tell me :P
Could not process part with given Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed; name="spr30.zip"

Follow-Ups: References: