Re: A82: 3D Game screen size
Re: A82: 3D Game screen size
Where are you gonna put all the player info?
On Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:44:38 EDT writes:
>As I start my coding on 3D Game, I started wondering what screen size
>would want. Right now I'm planning on 96x60 (basically full screen
>but a row
>on top and one on the bottom). This is mainly so it will remain
>with a 320x200 screen.
>If anyone thinks another size would be better, speak up or forever
>hold their
>peace. I might switch to 60x38 if speed becomes an issue, but
>hopefully that
>won't happen
>PS: In case you're wondering, this is very important so I can make
>tables for
>trig and other things
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