Re: A82: CalcEm
Re: A82: CalcEm
>Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:09:05 -0400
>From: "Ahmed El-Helw" <>
>Subject: A82: CalcEm
> I thought to write this to start up a discussion, everyone is pretty
>quiet.. anyways, I've noticed the following with CalcEm, and I hope if
>David, you are reading this, that you fix it, it is a great emulator. I
>only found 3 things actually:
>- -> When you link to the 82/3, and have the program on your calculator, if
>you choose quit or omit, it crashes your CalcEm software.
This works in version 0.6
>- -> The Ti-83 has silent link, you should be able to send w/o going to the
>link menu.
Yes, but I haven't had time to find out the protocol differences.
>- -> The only programming problem I noticed: when using GET_KEY, and a routine
>like this, the keys don't respond:
> call GET_KEY
> cp $01
> jp z,Down ;It'll detect this..
> inc a
> jp z,Left ;It won't get this
> inc a
> jp z,Right ;Nor this
> inc a
> jp z,Up ;Nor this..
I see no reason why this should work... you'd probably want to write like this instead (assuming [down, left, right, up] is [1 to 4]:
call GET_KEY
dec a
jp z,Down
dec a
jp z,Left
dec a
jp z,Right
dec a
jp z,Up
-/- David Eriksson -/-
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