Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
[Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 17:04:07 -0700
From: (Grant Stockly)]
[Ok. For you, they won't. But my dad is an electrical engineer for
Controls and he thinks your crazy for doing that.]>
Hey, does he understand all the Ti-hardware type stuff? That's my major
too!!! I took it because of the hardware stuff like the temp sensor and
I wanted to know how to do it more than in theory. My real "Profession"
will be in automobile racing.
[It hasn't happened
yet... Its just like sex... You won't alaways get aids the first
And another thing, you can't put I/o in backwards. think about it.]>
If you have a multi-voltage adaptor, like the 1,5;3;4.5;6;9 with the 4~6
plugs on the end usually has a selector switch for the tip being positive
or negative. That is why most things with the jack have the little (o-+
symbol menaing {in this case} that the tip is positive; the ( should be a
near circle in a "C" shape.
[you'd be safer smoking dog poop than doing that...]>
The surgeon general has not determined that dog poop is bad for your
health. Until then I will be marketing my new tobbaccoless cigarettes,
Buttogz[TM]. They may taste and smell like crap, but the price is dog
[Its also powering the batteries if your plug isn't a switcher style.
recoders have these...]>
So does the Ti-1250
~Larry C
"He's all the craziness of George, the zanyness of Kramer mixed with the
humor of Dilbert" Visit the Vaccuum Gateway
Buttogz is copyrighted 1998 and a registered trademark of Larry's Stupid
Ideas Co. Any resemblance between Buttogz and dog poop is purely
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