Re: [A82: Nibbles 82Z release]
Re: [A82: Nibbles 82Z release]
Yes, excellent port. And only 1841 bytes! The only two things I didn't
like were that you can kill yourself by pressing in the opposite
direction that you are going in, and that the very fast speed setting is
impossible. Greg: How 'bout this signature: "And if I only had another
eye, that would make two..." .)
On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 14:20:57 -0500 (EST) "L0rdG0aT, Lord of sodomy and of
darkness" <> writes:
>good port of Nibbles... one thing though... i thought in the original
>version of Nibbles (boy, that goes _way_ back...) that when you died,
>would still retain your original length and by doing so, retain the #
>"mice" you have collected in the current level....
>example... if i'm in Level 2, and i have collected 6/10 of the "mice"
>needed to finish the level, and i happen to die, then i have to
>those 6 and get the next 4. i find that quite annoying, and the score
>gets pretty screwed up for this reason.
>"Of course, that's just my opinion... i could be wrong..."
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