VTI Pocket Emulator
Posted by Michael on 17 October 2003, 02:57 GMT
Our most downloaded file of all time, VTI, has been partially ported to the Pocket PC platform. The VTI Pocket Emulator emulates a TI-89 on a Pocket PC. A handheld with a decently fast processor is needed for best results, and it only supports this one calculator model, but to the best of my knowledge this is the first TI emulator for the platform. It was tested by the author with Pocket PC 2002, and seems to be a bit experimental at present. Update (Joey): On an entirely unrelated note, I should mention that the newsletter has been suspended until further notice because of the massive amount of time I must dedicate to school and file archiving. I'd like to continue doing the newsletter, but I really can't right now.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
Now to get a pocket PC...
17 October 2003, 03:04 GMT
Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
Charles Green
I hope this will work on my ipaq3600...
Anyways, this seems like a very interesting project.
17 October 2003, 04:14 GMT
Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
(Web Page)
A TI-89 is like $400 cheaper than a PDA and does more. I know I'm ranting into the wilderness, but why would anybody buy a Pocket PC?
17 October 2003, 04:36 GMT
Re: Re: Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
(Web Page)
1) Don't flame.
2) TI-89 has internet capacity if you add a browser, modem, and the correct adapters (the three easiest parts)
3) TI-89 has grayscale, and with the right interfacing, you can fool a computer/printer/internet host that you have color.
4) ti89tcp and sdriver (the two main programs used to interface, minus the as-yet-unwritten browser) can connect at 56K, which is a lot faster than wireless, and can be made to connect without wires through a cellphone. Show me a PDA with an external modem connecting at 56K.
5) The point was that the PDA is obsolete in 6 months, runs <shudder> Windows CE </shudder> and will be $100 more expensive in that period of time. The monetary difference between the upgrade and the old model, in 6 months, will be the cost of a TI-89 plus $35.
6) I'd trade color for $400 if I could keep grayscale.
20 October 2003, 07:57 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
(Web Page)
I'm just saying that a TI-89 is better for MOST PEOPLE who do not need color on a portable device, people who have never seen a computer, people who have never seen anything run on electricity, people who need a computer who CANNOT PAY $500 OR $200 OR WHATEVER. I, for instance, cannot pay for an Ipaq. I have a V200, though, and like it, and use it just fine because it is ALL I NEED. People who are professional printers, artists, whatever, need a color screen and I respect that. Also, I HATE WINDOWS CE! I don't want to use it!
BTW, all that stuff can be used with an 89. Word and Excel, in kind terms, could be a lot better. I have a screenshot of Word checking a document's spelling and ignoring the first two letters of a word (Parentheses=rentheses=enthuses). That simply stinks. There are other limitations, for instance. Symbols are displayed as a matrix of pictures, instead of in a menu. Example: Which is better-Text Editor or Notepad? (the answer is Text Editor). Text Editor is not DTP and I'm not trying to say it is. Morvlon 3.00 has more than all of the features of Windows XP (not CE), and it does have DTP and integrated statistical and graphical analysis with spreadsheets. All I need is TI-AMS. The AMS never crashes if you program carefully and I would think that the 89 would be more useful that a Pocket PC if it does all that a PC does. If anybody cared to write drivers and viruscanners for the AMS then they would, could, and they would work better than MS-CRAP. They have sound. They have color in the form of grayscale, which is REALLY USEFUL if you have a laser printer which a lot of institutions do and you want to see what it will look like when it comes out of the printer.
23 October 2003, 19:17 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VTI Pocket Emulator
(Web Page)
The term 'better' also includes cost. Cost is a feature. If you want a TI-89 for $128.75, check out the link and see. Whoa. An Ipaq will cost from $210 to $500, and will actually not work as well. MS's formats are actually not that good. EVERYBODY ELSE uses .xml for documents, and EVERYBODY can read xml documents with a browser. If you want to read a Word document, you have to buy Word. More durable? Have you ever dropped a TI? My 83+ was run over by a car! IT STILL WORKS! The reason the battery is rechargeable is that it is made for the device. TIs use AAAs and thus don't need expensive special batteries which cost like $85 and eventually wear out. Plus, by the time they wear out, you can't find them anywhere because they discontinued them. So you have to spend another $500 on a NEW Ipaq. You can get rechargeable AAAs too if you want. Memory and other hardware-based things are expandable on the TI. Internal CD drives, USB memory sticks, and other methods can all be connected to the link port. Think, buddy. This site is ABOUT how to program all this stuff into the device. So what if TIOS doesn't do it? Buy Morvlon 3.00 when it comes out from www.oahat.org/morvlon.htm for $25.00 (10% of Windows costs) and see. Just wait a SHORT TIME and see. It's possible.
23 October 2003, 19:18 GMT
Flame the Flamer Part One
(Web Page)
First of all, this is a CALCULATOR site. People are SUPPOSED to like calculators.
>>"Pocket PC's have pens..."
Let me tell you, that is the #1 reason that I'd buy one.
>>>"...and sound and color..."
The TI-89 CAN make sound (AM radio thing/make own earpiece), and color makes the batteries drain faster :-P
>>>"...wireless internet..."
Hope you're rich and willing to pay a lot of money
>>>"Microsoft Excel (don't tell me that the data editor matches this)"
TI-Cell sheet?
>>>"color ebooks"
LOL... I won't even go there
>>>"they have a good, USEFUL organizer that reminds you of stuff"
Have you even tried the Organizer APP? (You need a HW2 for it to be of any use) And if you want to REALLY be reminded, leave a note on the home screen... is it THAT hard to remind yourself of something!?
>>>"they are much faster and they have like 98 times more memory and they are lighter"
The speed and memory are better... but now, what does the WEIGHT of it have to do with anything!? I'm so weak, help me, I can't lift my big TI-89...
>>>"and they don't crash (and even if they do, it's not serious)"
Well, if you knew how to use a TI-89 correctly... and I bet you I could make your pocketPC crash faster than you could get my calc to crash (get a kernel, archive important data, duh).
>>>"and they can have a virus protector..."
AND MY TI-89 HAS GUESS THE NUMBER IN BASIC! SO HA! MY REASON IS BETTER THAN YOURS! (Who needs a virus protector for a calculator? That's like getting a virus protector for a MAC... in fact, who needs one for a pocketPC anyway!?)
>>>"and they are more durable"
The TI-89 isn't????
>>>"and they have handwriting recognizer"
23 October 2003, 20:32 GMT
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