PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Posted by Michael on 25 July 2003, 01:36 GMT
We are pleased to announce that the 30,000th file was just added to our archives: PreOS v0.67 by Patrick Pelissier. For those who don't already know, PreOS is a kernel for the 89/92+/Voyage 200 that is compatible with all ROM versions (including 2.09) and both HW1 & HW2. This is the most recently updated kernel available for the 68k calcs. Congratulations to Patrick and all of our other authors who have contributed to our archives! Update (Joey): Since roughly 59207489 people have asked us to change the /doorsos folders to /kernel, we figured it's time to do so. Expect to see the changes in about a month. Update (Morgan): Note that there have been 30,000 files uploaded to, not that there are 30,000 files. Many have been removed for various reasons! GO RUSTY!!!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
Confidential to the great Patrick Davidson: Thanks a bunch!
25 July 2003, 01:41 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Does this include updates to existing programs AND new programs or only new programs? Either way, still a lot of files.
25 July 2003, 02:46 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
(Web Page)
Hooray for GNU! With that, I could have uploaded it. But that would be cheap.
25 July 2003, 02:48 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Sounds wonderful! I would get it if i had an 89, 92+, or V2000... *sigh* oh well... wish someone could make something this good for TI-83+ ;)
25 July 2003, 03:02 GMT

Re: Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Well, kernels such as PreOs aren't as useful as you may think. The TI-89/92+/V200 calculators have well-working native assembly support (like the TI-86), so kernels or shells aren't really needed. However, there are lots of old programs which do need a kernel (usually because they are quick ports of TI-92 Fargo programs, or were written by programmers used to Fargo on the TI-92, and the environment provided by the kernels is closer to the one provided by Fargo on the TI-92 than the one provided by the native assembly support). This is no longer the case with nearly all current programs. (There is a very small number of programmers still writing programs which need a kernel for no real reason, but only very few of them release any interesting programs.) In other words, kernels on the TI-89/92+/V200 are obsolete and practically only exist for backwards compatibility.
28 July 2003, 03:57 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Some additional information:
* No HW2Patch needed. No need to manually install h220xTSR either. It automatically installs h220xTSR.
* Don't keep old copies of dynamically-linked libraries around. Use either the "stdlib" compressed library pack or the individual libraries in the Src\Libs folder of the PreOs ZIP archive.
* Don't worry if you don't like the file browser shown in the screenshots. It is a very limited default shell just asking to be replaced. :-) You can:
- use the TICT Explorer (recommended). (You can get it at or in the archives here at 1.30 Beta 9 is what you want, it actually has less known bugs than the 1.20 release. 1.20 won't even run on AMS 2.07/2.08/2.09. 1.30 Beta 9 runs on AMS 2.09 without any problems.) There is a version of PreOs specially adapted (by me) to run the TICT Explorer with [SHIFT]+[ON]. It is included in the ZIP archive ("preos-tictex").
- use any kernel-based file browser, renamed to "shell" so it is run with [SHIFT]+[ON].
25 July 2003, 11:39 GMT
[OT] Swedish law on web cookies
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
FYI: 247.shtml?tid=126&tid=158&tid=95&tid=99
(remove the space)
I think already has the required warnings, but make sure you are complying.
25 July 2003, 17:28 GMT
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