TiLP v6.0 Released
Posted by Michael on 19 January 2003, 21:14 GMT
Romain Liévin has released a new version of TiLP, a robust linking program for use with every calculator and link cable combination imaginable. Version 6.00 adds numerous improvements, most notably support for the Voyage 200, a Windows XP driver for the USB SilverLink cable, and grouped files with the 83+. There also are bug fixes and the program has just been cleaned up in general. You can grab the versions for Linux and Windows.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TiLP v6.0 Released
(Web Page)
Wow... that was a quick new article!
It's good to see that people are making software that is compatible with both Windows and other OS's (even though I am a windows person)
19 January 2003, 22:07 GMT
Re: TiLP v6.0 Released
Diederik Pieter Kingma
(Web Page)
Tijl Coosemans (http://tijl.studentenweb.org) made a FreeBSD version of TILP, he just posted on his site. Btw, i wonder how many people would really use a link cable under FreeBSD...
19 January 2003, 22:20 GMT
Re: TiLP v6.0 Released
(Web Page)
Do you need to uninstall TI's driver for this to work?
Wondering if I should use this for vti 3.0 or not for silver cable support if I put ROM dump back in...which I should.
19 January 2003, 22:59 GMT

Re: Re: TiLP v6.0 Released
(Web Page)
The TiLP's driver and the TI-Connect's driver are not compatible. As explained on the driver page, you can use only one driver at a time.
But, joelt or another guy (I don't remember) reported to me that Greg Dietsche managed to use the TI-Connect and TiLP on the same machine (this implies that both driver have been installed).
About the ticables library: the lib is released under LGPL: it's useable by anyone. It makes life easier about cable management for both linking program and emulators. It's used by TiLP, TiEmu and the TI-Winamp project. Available bindings: MSVC, C++ Builder and MinGW.
You could use the ticalcs library, too (direct file loading). This implement stuffs in a very straight fashion.
BTW (it's not in the news, Michael is too fast ;-)): I have also released a preliminary Windows SDK about the 3 components of TiLP (ticables, ticalcs & tifiles).
It includes: source code, html doc, library, projects and examples.
About VTi: I made an attempt few month ago on VTI2.5 for adding SilverLink support. I never released it because the linking was working so so.
But, if you want the source code, feel free to mail me...
20 January 2003, 16:55 GMT
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