Symbolic v1.2 [v1.4] for TI-83+
Posted by Eric on 17 December 2001, 05:44 GMT
Brandon Sterner of Detached Solutions has released his newest program, Symbolic v1.0 (v1.1 and v1.2 have since been released) for the TI-83+. This is a rather exciting program that allows users to symbolically differentiate and simplify algebraic expressions, functions that previously were reserved only for the TI-89/92/92+. Many other useful features are also included. Check out the Symbolic homepage for more information. It's always great to see people work on math-related programs...let's hope it continues. Update (Eric): Symbolic v1.4 has now been released.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Symbolic v1.2 for TI-83+
Looks interesting, too bad i already have an 89, but i might as well try it out. I'm glad people are developing apps. on to graphlink then i need something constructive...
this is MY first comment (i think) :)
17 December 2001, 06:01 GMT

Re: Re: Symbolic v1.2 for TI-83+
Hey, you got first comment!
Boy, am I so depressed. I spent a whole hour trying to make an assembly program. (I'm learning assembly). It's for the 82. I was trying to display a sprite, and then move it with the arrow keys, but it won't move. :( Sigh.
#include "TI82.H"
#include "KEYS.INC"
.DB "no_one_2000 is sad.",0
LD HL,Mean
.DB "Assembly is mean.",0
19 December 2001, 02:11 GMT
Re: Symbolic v1.2 for TI-83+
w00t! I'll give it a try. I downloaded the latest TiLP, does FLASH for the 83+ work yet? I guess I'll find out.
17 December 2001, 06:09 GMT
Re: Symbolic v1.2 for TI-83+
Emir Sakic
(Web Page)
Great job!
Nice that someone cares about the calculator's main purpose.
Simplify and differentiate will probably be most useful.
17 December 2001, 06:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Symbolic v1.2 for TI-83+
I am sorry, I did not fully understand how you implemented the differentiation. I thought it was just a table driven kind of thing where you take the expression, find the outermost operator, and apply the rule regarding it. I think that this is how HP got that nifty step-by-step calculus stuff. It is a _lot_ easier to make this kind in RPN, though.
For the most part, integrals I encounter are about the same complexity of differentiating, just in reverse and a little wierder thanks to the complexities of that little "C" in them. In my room, right now, I have 2 little plastic sheets with the diff. and integ. rules on them, and these have worked for about 98% of the integrals I have needed to solve, and all of the derivatives.
17 December 2001, 20:34 GMT
From another point of view
The problem is, of course, that TI-calculators, wonderful though they are, are entirely stupid.
Integration, as you said, is not really rule-based; the problem is a general intelligence one, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to code a good general intelligence (see:, or the whole damn site for that matter, as well as its 'partner' on a computer that only do < 10^15 flops. Idiots-savants are not able to integrate like you or me, because their prowess is in an incredibly small domain, like a computer's.
It might be possible to hack up an integration feature, but it would be slower than molasses in the middle of an antarctic winter on Pluto, and would screw up a lot.
19 December 2001, 02:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: From another point of view
Err, that is one of the most obsurd things ever uttered by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. To put it in terms comparing it to the computer processor, the brain functions at about 3.8 THz, that's right *tera*hertz, and can store about 32TB, *tera*bytes, of info. Of course, it isn't really in binary or anything, so this isn't that acurate, but it does give a fairly cool comparison.
1 January 2002, 23:07 GMT
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