PS/2 Keyboards for Calculators
Posted by Eric on 3 December 2001, 01:15 GMT
Cullen Logan has written a technical document on something I've personally been interested in for a long time: using a regular PS/2 keyboard for a TI calculator (drivers are released for the TI-86; a TI-89 version is on its way). It's a good read for you technical types out there; basic schematics are now posted as well. Hopefully the ball will start to roll on this one... Update (Nick B.): The ball has indeed started to roll, as it has been ported to the 83+ Silver Edition by Radical Software.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: PS/2 Keyboards for Calculators
I just have a few things to say.
1. everything from the ti-89 and ap, is fantastically required if u want to be good at math and chemistry.
2. It has a great selection of games
3. EvilDead and army of darkness are fantastic movies.
4. From personal experiance and my opinion, the ti83/+ is a piece of trash.(remember my opinion)
5. Hemp makes a strong rope.
6. any game made with the name rainbow 6 in it is God, and nothing will change my mind of that.
:::The reason i did this was i was in a ti83sdk forum onthis site and say some distasteful comments toward me, my 89, and the evil dead movies. And i have a message to these and only these people. F&@K OFF!!!
3 December 2001, 14:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: PS/2 Keyboards for Calculators
Don't you understand that you are enticing me to react, jeez that's as dumb as Bin Laden bombing the US and not expecting a war, o wait is that it, do u like to fight, do u want a war, or is it that I want to fight, or we both do (knowone forced you to respond to that post).
Wow what an interesting concept, we all want to fight each other just for the sake of fighting. Its like the thing that makes all humans evil with the strong desire to cause pain. For instance Lord of the Flies, or better yet The Island of Dr. Moreau. Look at the poor doctor, trying to remove the evil from the animals so that the same technology could be used on humans, and everyone thinks of him as a monster. I personally think that to be an honorable cause. To remove the DNA that makes us want to commit malice acts, and I bet people with the means to do this research probably are.
I wonder how you and everyone else would respond to this post. Would people agree with me? Would you just prove my point, and further expose mans evil? Or would you try to bend the facts to make me look bad? Or would you not post anything being that I got you blocked from every vantage, and theres no way your getting up from this? It's almost comical-to watch you struggle, because I can guarantee that you'll return to see what kind of effect your post had on me, I laugh out LOUD :)
Who is the animal, we all are, but we're to ignorant to see this...Well I see it.
3 December 2001, 18:16 GMT
Re: PS/2 Keyboards for Calculators
(Web Page)
Is it common practice for calc coders to have pay pal links on their sites for donations?
/me remembers the good ol' days when we didn't care about that ;-) of course .. we were also 15 and living with our parents ..
3 December 2001, 18:30 GMT
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