Fire causes downtime
Posted by Magnus on 12 November 2001, 21:06 GMT
A fire in the electrical switch station in the basement of the building where is hosted caused a major power failure for several hours today. Our UPSes can hold out some, but not 4-5 hours. Therefore, went offline for three hours and 15 minutes, breaking our 300+ days uptime.
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Re: Fire causes downtime
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
wasn't there a down time when there was a problem in Telia? or does that not count? btw... according to my information giver people, 255 died in the plane crash today (0xFF OR 0b11111111) NOW. if you remember some of those emails you got, there were a LOT of 1's and 11's that had to do with 9-11 (9-11, towers = 11... flight numbers add up to 11 etc... )... and it JUST so happens that now there are 4 11's in that number...(YES, i know that they don't think it was a terrorist attack)... i'm going nowhere with this... just a thought... maybe some kind of sign of the end of the world.. (and ONE (1) day before today was ELEVEN(11) ELEVEN (11) zero ONE(1)
13 November 2001, 05:16 GMT
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