Sam Heald Updates
Posted by Eric on 28 June 2001, 07:27 GMT
Now that we've gotten Mr. Nussbaumer's updates out of the way, let's move on to those of another esteemed programmer, Sam Heald. Sam has recently released a bunch of updates to his popular programs. To start with, he's released Super Mario v1.1 for the TI-82, TI-83, and TI-83+. The new version includes a couple of bugfixes as well as support for archived levels. He's also released Plain Jump v1.2 for the TI-83 and TI-83+. This particular bundle of joy now also includes support for archived levels. Finally, we have Orzunoid v7.2 for the TI-83 and TI-83+. Update (Eric): Sam has now released Super Mario v1.2, which includes a fix for a bug in the level editor.
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Re: Sam Heald Updates
nice job on mario!
28 June 2001, 07:34 GMT
Re: Sam Heald Updates
For the first time, Plain Jump worked on my (MirageOS) calculator. Mario is really nice also. Why does it take so long to scroll for the levels in Orzunoid and Plain Jump though?
I wonder if Baseball II is coming soon.
28 June 2001, 09:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sam Heald Updates
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
I admit that I have not played his version of baseball, but just because it is on the 82 does not mean that it is bad. The only real advantage that an 83+ has over an 82 is memory capacity. If programmers did not put effort into their programs, then the 82, 83, and 83+ would be no better than a 73. If he put effort into it and is satified with it, then it's probably pretty darn good considering its BASIC.
And as for basic, for gaming (not calculation), I don't think there is that great a difference in abilities between any of the z80 calculator. BASIC is just bad in general, for games (except for the Highsmith RPG's and a few others).
80's and 81's are just bad. They're not on the same level as any modern calculators, 82 or otherwise.
28 June 2001, 23:18 GMT
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