Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Posted by Eric on 8 June 2001, 21:39 GMT
To bring a little closure to the issue that has been haunting us all for the past week or so, we're happy to report that Nick Bendler, henceforth known as nickb, has joined the staff here at Yes, we realize that this may cause some confusion among the less-smart among you due to a certain other unnamed member, but I'm sure we'll all survive. Nick(B) has been working on our file archives for some time and will continue in this task. Congratulations and good luck, Nick!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Nick is a awesome guy, and I know he'll continue to do a good job! GO NICK(B)! :)
8 June 2001, 21:42 GMT
Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Matt Landry
(Web Page)
Congrats Nick.
- Matthew
8 June 2001, 21:42 GMT
Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Stuart Bergstrom
(Web Page)
Well I, for one, am relieved to have that problem resolved. I know it's been haunting me in my day-to-day activities, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will be able to finally get some sleep.
8 June 2001, 21:44 GMT
Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Frank Schoep
(Web Page)
This is in one word great. It took some time for the queue to clear, but I hope we are now (together ;) able to keep the file queue clean. That would be the fourth best thing to happen to ticalc ever.
9 June 2001, 10:40 GMT
Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
(Web Page)
So, if Nick B is responsible for the actual updating, then what are the rest of the members of the File Archive Staff doing? (assuming there is a file archive staff...)
Note: On the CD approval form, it says "Did you copy any else's code?" That is confusing. Do they mean "Did you copy any other code?" or "Did you copy anyone else's code?"? I took it to mean the latter. You guys should fix that. Note: I just approved a program, so I know what it says.
9 June 2001, 18:23 GMT

Re: Nick Bendler Joins Staff
Ted Burton
IIRC, NickD is still head of the screenshot staff, but he doesn't do anything nearly as visible as he used to (news editor (imho, NickD was the best news editor in history, but I've only seen the site much since it was redesigned to this appearance (i think around the time NickD started as news editor))). But he then started this strange thing called "college" and had to quit as news editor. One of the sadder days in history.
<covering-my-arse>I'm not trying to say that Eric isn't a good news editor or anything, I just remember NickD posting news much more frequently, even if he had to resort to fake news. Maybe there just aren't as many interesting developments in the calculator world, but it seemed NickD always either found something interesting, generated fake news during slow times, or at the very least posted updates to news articles as applicable.</covering-my-arse>
I hope I didn't have too much incoherent babbling in there:)
16 June 2001, 18:31 GMT
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