PuzzPack v2.0 Released
Posted by Eric on 16 May 2001, 05:03 GMT
The fine folks over at Detached Solutions have released their long-anticipated PuzzPack v2.0 FLASH application for the TI-83+. If you're one of those lucky ones with a TI-83+ Silver Edition, you've probably noticed that PuzzPack v2.0 is included on the calculator; now it has been released to the public as well. The application contains four popular games: Dino Puzzle, Block Dude, Puzzle Frenzy, and Pegs. Download it or check out the homepage for more.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
Well, It seems TI is finally going to the game side.
16 May 2001, 05:11 GMT
Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
That's great! I really loved the first one, and this one seems to be as good. This is my first comment ever, btw.
16 May 2001, 05:13 GMT
Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
Robert Snyder
Does any one have a Ti-83++ yet? and if so how well do they perform? I know Ti was talking them up a lot, but it would be nice to have an unbiased opinion about them.
16 May 2001, 06:40 GMT

Re: Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
(Web Page)
my math teacher works for ti, and they gave him one for free. He let me borrow it for the night, seeing as i would be the only one interested in it.
i ran various tests, benchmarks, that sort of thing.
it runs faster than any other z80 machine on the home screen, but the graph screen is still unnoticable faster. small asm games like fall down are rediculously fast (7g, wacka goomba)
overall, if i didnt already own a ti calc, id get a + se, but its not worth purchasing. You'd find it to be very similar to your old 83+.
16 May 2001, 22:03 GMT
Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
What I Don't get is why TI encourages games in the TI-83+ But dosen't want anything to do with them in the 89's.
16 May 2001, 06:55 GMT
Re: Re: Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
yep even the new ti83s is crap in my opinion, however it was smart for ti to do that, for me even, i started out w/a crappy ti-82 which i stole/bought(we pay taxes to)from geometry...from there i moved onto a ti-83+ which i found/stol from graphic arts(i was just sitten there, knowone touched, for the 1st 2 mins of class anyway)...after that my friend bought an 89, and so did i, and now i am a little smarter and a little wiser, for instance the ti92+ is a waste of money and space(just get a laptop and run vti is you need it so bad), so for all of you newbies out there...its ok to learn w/a ti-83, but don't spend any money on them, just get a ti-89 and impress your friends, also anybody know where i can get the upgrade for aliens v.s. predators.
16 May 2001, 22:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: PuzzPack v2.0 Released
(Web Page)
i used my brothers 89 before. The only thing i liked about was the games. to do any math functions, it was rediculously confusing, but im sure as my 83+ did, it gets easier as u learn the controls. I have an 83+ and dont plan on getting any other calculator, 89, especialy a 92+. I dont plan on getting an 83+ se either--my 83+ is 90% the same, speed/mem, not worth $120. I like the 83/+ because of its simplicity in language, and ease of use. Plus, im the only one at my highschool who knows what the Prgm key does--thats my $0.02
20 May 2001, 01:43 GMT
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