Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
Posted by Eric on 10 April 2001, 05:03 GMT
To bring some closure to the contest we reported on earlier, and also to relieve ourselves of an otherwise slow news period, the Detached Solutions-Texas Instruments Application programming contest has been completed. Find more information about the contest, including a list of the winners and their programs, here. Congratulations to all the winners!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
That's FANTASTIC! I think I may have won.
10 April 2001, 05:09 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
(Web Page)
Wow!There were some pretty good entries.
10 April 2001, 05:27 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
(Web Page)
I hate to think of the math involved in Astro
-Alex Roper
10 April 2001, 12:31 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
(Web Page)
Those programs are incredible! I wish I could do stuff like that!
10 April 2001, 14:17 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
thats pretty cool, didn't get a chance to check them out yet, wish someone would make a contest for the 89...the programming team for sma would probably win.
10 April 2001, 14:54 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Programming Contest Ends
Alex Hoops
my god how many times will phoenix be realesed in 2 weeks?
10 April 2001, 17:11 GMT
Apps in Detached Solutions Contest
Are any of the applications actual .8XK files? No. Why not?
10 April 2001, 23:55 GMT
Re: Apps in Detached Solutions Contest
Dan Englender
(Web Page)
Most of these authors didn't have the SDK or any tools to create an application file. That's what this contest was for, to promote (future) create of applications. Entrants could submit programs, not necessarily in application format, as as a prize, they can win SDK's and application signings so that they can convert their programs to applications. Additionally, most of the programs submitted aren't done yet, so it wouldn't make too much sense to sign them just yet.
Actually, the Astro entry (which won first prize for Educational) is already in application format. It's not a .8xk file, because it's not done and hasn't been signed yet, but you can try it on the simulator.
11 April 2001, 00:30 GMT

(Re:)^6 : Apps in Detached Solutions Contest
Peter Martijn Kuipers
Well, being the author of Nifty, I can assure you: it wan't programmed for MirageOs. It can be executed with Asm(prgmNIFTY).
There were two reasons for this:
1) I do rarely prograqm for shells, because I know plenty of people wh fow a while ago couldn't even pronounce the word, let alone use it, I want to reach those people too with my program.
2) Rememer, the "ultimate goal" of the contest was (among others) to be able to make your program a flash app. I think programming a program fo a shell makes it only harder to convert it to a flash app, because you get tempted to use shell-specific routines.
Ofcourse, this only counts for Nifty, since Dan E. stated previously that most of the programs could be run from MirageOs. (Perhaps you use an outdated version, or had a bad download.
15 April 2001, 21:40 GMT
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