Symbolic Math Guide Released
Posted by Eric on 30 March 2001, 22:37 GMT
TI has released a beta of their newest concept app, the Symbolic Math Guide. Well, actually, it's only a "pre-beta" (read: alpha), but the many screenshots look pretty promising, so y'all might want to go give it a whirl. In short, it's a FLASH app that interactively takes students on a tour of various symbolic manipulations. Thanks to everyone who let me know about this (for the record, Eugene Ho was first).
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Thomas Vaughan
Again This app shows how slow are the flash apps. Try to naviguate through the help an you will understand ! It takes ages to draw a single text line. This could be achieved faster in TI-BASIC with flib.
Ti should change FLASH-APPS into SLUGGISH-APPS.
30 March 2001, 23:11 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
so has anyone tried the radiolinks for that 89 that comment on their effictiveness and what program they used.
30 March 2001, 23:23 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Thomas Vaughan
In fact I was accusing TI, since they are nearly the only one who make flash apps (I dind't tested the purchasable ones, though).
In fact is it not ti's flash studio wich is real crap ?
It would seem strange that TI engineers program so badly.
31 March 2001, 00:52 GMT

Re: Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Mike Grass
**Disclaimer** I did not write the SMG, so much of this is speculation.
You have to remember that the SMG is still pre-*beta* software. Its speed may be increased in later revisions.
It looks to me like the reson for the slowness of the SMG is because it is calculating all of the transformations that can be accomplished on each expression. Flash Apps are indeed not inherently slow, but remember that this *is* just a calculator, and *is* inherently slower than a Pentium-class computer. In my opinion, it is amazing what TI and HP have been able to accomplish on calculators.
The statistics and finance apps are not slow. Again, maybe slower than an equivalent on a computer, but not slow for a calculator. I can't speak for EE*Pro and ME*Pro, since I haven't used these.
Do you believe that the AMS is poorly written? I don't, and I believe that the TI Engineers are excellent coders. If you read through the SDK docs (or TIGCC docs), you will start to get a feeling for just how much is put into such a limited machine. I also believe that TI has been working hard to create a system that is open and extensible with the SDK.
31 March 2001, 05:00 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
ariel leon
i usually try every app for my ti89 in vti, is there any way i can upload a flashapp to vti?
31 March 2001, 04:15 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Samuel Stearley
(Web Page)
Once a formula has been entered you can go through it's subexpressions in pretty print. These subexpressions being highlighted in boxes just like with the equation writer. So maybe ti will make an equation writer themselves?
31 March 2001, 06:41 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Thomas Vaughan
The app is not that slow. It's just all the display operations: just look the help. The display routines of tifalsh studio must be poorly written.
31 March 2001, 09:40 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
Daniel Johnson
This is way off topic, but would anyone happen to have to have AMS version 2.04? I hate 2.05 and I want to dongrade back to 2.04 so that all my programs will wokr again. ANd yes, I did e-mail but they have yet to respond. SO If anyone could possibly send me a copy to downgrade my calc. , please E-mail me.
31 March 2001, 09:45 GMT
Re: Symbolic Math Guide Released
(Web Page)
I should point out that you need AMS 2.05 to run this program; 2.04 won't work.
31 March 2001, 11:05 GMT
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