New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
Posted by Eric on 29 March 2001, 22:28 GMT
Looks like we've got a couple in-progress announcements to make today. First, Romain Liévin, of TiLP fame, and Tim Singer have combined efforts to create an extremely comprehensive link protocol guide for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+ (minus FLASH), TI-85, and TI-86. The guides cover everything there is to know about linking...and more! Protocol guides for the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92+ are forthcoming. Until then, check out the rest of them here. Also looks like Mr. Nussbaumer over with the TI-Chess Team has embarked on his new project, MR3D, which utilizes his recently-released FAT-Engine. Just take a look at that screenshot on Quite nice, if I do say so myself. And we never thought it was possible....
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
Nathan Buda
(Web Page)
Oh my gosh! Will they ever be porting the fat engine to the TI-83 Plus (or can it even be done)? I think I foresee quite a number of "No"'s following this comment. Please explain. Thanks.
--Nathan Buda
29 March 2001, 22:39 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I compare both programs side by side, I don't see what you are talking about. Smoother scrolling? Real raycasting? I think you haven't seen the latest demos of the FAT-Engine and are still refering to the earliest ones ...
And not "it could" counts, real-working games count. Just wait a little bit longer and you will see what I mean.
Better: take the challenge and make a similar game for the Z80. What's up? Are you tough enough? Or are you just one of those who can just moaning?
Since over 2 years I'm looking for co-programmers to realize interesting projects like the upcoming MR3D or "ports" of games like Elite, but sorrily I found no one (beside short corporations). But everytime something gets released or just "announced" posters like you think they know everything better. Of course, better programs are possible. Not only on the 68k, but also on the Z80. But as stated above: in my opinion it just counts what's getting realized. And because I still miss some kind of games I will realize them by my own. I would NEVER claim that I'm a good programmer, neither in C nor in Assembler. But I have some ideas, a "little bit" of time and I want them to become reality. And just by waiting almost nothing changes. That's all.
30 March 2001, 01:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
Paulo Marques
Thomas... to sum up all the fan posts that will apear...
We love you. Just because you do things. Whether we play them, learn form them, or just rejoice because we're geeks, we like it. Shure, we'd always like a lot more, but hell, we praise you for your geek work. :)
Anyone who criticizes obviously hasn't seen your work, or has no ideia of the effort.
But, there are us who love you. :) so, i guess, keep it up because someone likes it.
I hope...
30 March 2001, 02:25 GMT
Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
(Web Page)
That screenshot was amazing. I hope they can pull off a good game with it. I wonder if we could do something like it on the 83+.
30 March 2001, 00:54 GMT
Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
enough with the 83, anything under ti-89 is obsolete in my opinion...anyway has there been a single soul out there who has made the radio links work on the 89, and what program did you use?
30 March 2001, 05:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: New Link Protocol Guides, MR3D
Nathan Buda
(Web Page)
I agree with Andreas Finne. The TI-83, 83 Plus and 83 Plus SE are the most commonly used TI's in the USA. This is because, both, they are required for algebra studies, and can do most of what the TI-89 and above families can do because of the application option. I know it can't do all the TI-89 (and above) can do, but really, for the money, like Andreas Finne said above, it's definently worth it.
--Nathan Buda
30 March 2001, 23:50 GMT
TI89 vs. TI83/+/SE
If you are dissing Thomas Nussbaumer and the excellant games he makes there is a 99.99999999% chance that you fit under one of the following:
1) You never tried the program you are dissing.
2) You don't own a 68k calculator.
3) You don't know how to program.
4) You're on drugs.
5) You have had a front and back lobotomy.
6) Or, You have made the program you say is better than his.
Oh, and what about TI89 vs. HP49g, the TI89 is faster... try for a comparison.
Also, TI83/+/SE's have no hope to ever _EVER_ be better than 68k calcs, just give up non 68k'ers. Besides TI is focusing on the TI83/+/SE simply because it is cheaper to mass produce, therefore people buy more of the cheap calcs, therefore TI makes more money.
TI83 better, HA, what a ridiculously outlandish concept.
30 March 2001, 08:48 GMT
Re: TI89 vs. TI83/+/SE
Nathan Buda
(Web Page)
This is not true. I'll bet you don't own or have ever tried a TI-83, TI-83 Plus or a TI-83 Plus SE. If you have, you haven't tried them all. I like the "If you are dissing Thomas Nussbaumer and the excellant games he makes there is a 99.99999999% chance that you fit under one of the following:", but this does not apply to any TI (especially in comparrison to HP). TI has put lots of effort into the TI-83 family because, again, like I said above, it's the most comonly used calculator in the U.S. This is a way to get money, but you shouldn't be so negative about it. If you owned a company, wouldn't you keep on creating new things for it? I know you may be ticked that TI is making new stuff 'only' in the 83 realm, but it being the mostly used calculator, I can clearly see why.
--Nathan Buda
30 March 2001, 23:57 GMT

Re: Re: TI89 vs. TI83/+/SE
Nathan Buda
(Web Page)
I guess you figured it'd be me posting the next comment (a polite on at that). As for your first comment, "Down with the TI-83", I agree. I hate the TI-83. And as for you second comment, "The SE is stupid", I think everyone will agree that all computers, calculators, tvs, micro waves, etc. are stupid (translation: Lacking or marked by a lack of intelligence). They have no physical knowledge or intelligence. I, again, agree. Your third comment, "You (TI83 supporters) do not know what you are talking about", I agree again (refer to my first sentance). I won't "dis" (even though that's not a word in the dictionary) Microsoft either. For your information, I like Microsoft. If it wasn't for them, we would live on Mac. :P I would just assume live on the TI-OS. :)
--Nathan Buda
4 April 2001, 03:37 GMT
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