TIGCC v0.9 Released
Posted by Eric on 19 December 2000, 07:33 GMT
The hard-working TIGCC team, led by Sebastian Reichelt and Zeljko Juric, have released the new version of TIGCC, their popular SDK for the TI-89 and TI-92+. New features in this release include many bugfixes in the compiler, native floating point support, and a lot more technical stuff that I didn't bother to understand (so I'll just let you read about that yourself in the readme...). Anyway, go check it out. Congrats to the TIGCC Team! Update (Eric): And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, Mister Zeljko Juric himself released an update to the TIGCC Library, v2.31 to be exact. It includes various bugfixes and works with the recently-released TIGCC v0.9.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
Wow! Full floating point support! Good job! I look forward to making some nice programs with TIGCC.
19 December 2000, 15:33 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
John Ratliff
(Web Page)
Techno-Plaza is working on a series of lessons geared for novice C programmers wanting to learn C and use that skill to make TIGCC programs for the TI-89/92+.
The first two lessons are complete, and the third should be up today.
The first is a simple Hello World example that everyone does. The second is an introduction to keyboard input. The third examines basic graphics and sprites.
Check it out at http://www.technoplaza.net if you are interested.
19 December 2000, 15:59 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
Congratulations,- great job!
I've just rewritten some parts of TI-Chess to get the maximum out of the new features and it works perfectly.
19 December 2000, 18:38 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
(Web Page)
One of the best Christmas presents I'm getting!
Thanks for the GREAT new updates!
ESPECIALLY the floating point support!
19 December 2000, 22:52 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
Jonathan Walker
This is somewhat off topic, but I would like to know in order to use TIGCC, too. What shell works with AMS 2.05? I cannot get any to work and need help soon!!!
20 December 2000, 05:12 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
has anybody tried to write software that uses the linkport? i cant seem to make it work, maybe its my calc, maybe its the compiler, i dont know
20 December 2000, 15:42 GMT
Re: TIGCC v0.9 Released
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter
game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
does anybody here know how to get that streetfighter game to work on a hardware v1.00 am2.05?
20 December 2000, 17:46 GMT
New emulator coming for ti-89
My friend and I are planning to make an cybiko emulator for the ti-89 by using your program (thanks). I am a new programmer and my friend is a programmer for just cybiko. So we need help with programming for ti-89. We have all the information needed on cybiko. If anyone is interested in helping us please e-mail us at diceman1_@hotmail.com. if you don't know what the hell we are talking about go to cybiko.com. If you want to purchase a cybiko my friend can offer you a 20% discount by typing this code CD8358 at http://www.cybiko.com/secretcode.asp
21 December 2000, 01:29 GMT

Re: New emulator coming for ti-89
From the tech specs that i saw at their site, I understand that the 89 and the cbyko are very similar. They have the same size screen, they both have 10 mhz mc68000 processors, i don't know how much mem it has, but i'm sure you can find an efficent way to emulate the cybiko. With any luck, you can port the keyboard easily. Even though the 89 has an abc keyboard and the cybiko has a mini qwerty keyboard, you can use the alpha and 2nd modes to comphensate. The wireless communication thing can be made to use IR links or radiolinks, or just simply just a wire link.
For the emulator itself, i would suggest static recompliation. It's the fastest mode. It's where you take the rom and the programs and remap all the rom calls and functions to be compatiable with the 89 rom calls. Since the amazing similarities, there shouden't be much problems with speed.
21 December 2000, 23:11 GMT
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