Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
Posted by Eric on 10 December 2000, 08:44 GMT
Now that the file archive queue has been cleaned up (apologies from Dave), we have a bunch of noteworthy programs to point out. Thomas Nussbaumer and the rest of TICT have released the new version of the TIGCC Tools Suite v0.97 Beta. The suite now includes support for Linux as well as many other enhancements. Be sure to check it out. Nope, don't worry, that's not it. They've also released new versions of TI-Chess (v3.05, for the TI-89 and TI-92+) and TI-Minesweeper (v1.11, also for the TI-89 and TI-92+). Finally, a new game called TI-TiltMaze (for the TI-89 and TI-92+) has been released. This is a puzzle with 2 balls and 41 different levels. The object is to make both balls cover the destination fields. Erk. I'm sure the readme gives a much more thorough explanation of the game than I can, so go read that instead :).
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Re: Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Thanks Thomas and the whole TICT!
10 December 2000, 12:41 GMT
Re: Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
I think a new folder should be created for the ebooks...
10 December 2000, 15:34 GMT

(Web Page)
Yes, there are folders for level files. And there should be separate folders for ebooks depending if they are fiction, non fiction, and maybe a separate folder for shakespear.
And here is a question:
We have a lot of computer programs that convert computer files into files that can be viewed on the calculator such as greyscale pictures from bitmaps, movies through timm, and text files through simple text conversion programs or a more advanced conversion program such as the ebook maker.
But aren't such programs for each individuals own PERSONAL use and not for cluttering ticalc?
I think the answer depends on how much effort goes into the conversion process. If it takes a lot of effort then it should be uploaded so as others do not have to waste their effort. I know that greyscale picture files do not take any effort so I say that they should be deleted off of ticalc. I do not know anything about files made by timm or the ebook generator. I have heard that making ebooks does take some effort.
And as a final rule the authors of the origional viewer should be allowed to upload files as demos even if they do not meet the criteria of having effort put into them.
Seriously, the graphics folder for each calc is meant to have cool programs that demonstrate sprites, 3d, ect, and not be just grayscale pictures.
10 December 2000, 15:59 GMT
Re: Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
(Web Page)
Cool, nice program. It's a bit like dstar in a way, except the levels are smaller and movement can be a bit more complicated.
10 December 2000, 17:42 GMT
Re: Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
Yes! Now I get a smaller chess program for my calculator. This is going straight to my calc. The best thing about this programing group is all their programs are nostub programs and don't require a shell. Also does anyone know where I can get the Space Monkey Quest for the 89 that has the monkey instead of Mario?
11 December 2000, 02:06 GMT
Re: Thomas Nussbaumer and TICT Go At It Once More
Christian Frießnegg
Yeah, Thomas Nussbaumer is a great buddy!
I know him, because I studdy in Garz (Austria) and I asked him some questions about programming and how to build my own radio-link.
I think everybody who knows TI-Chess would thank him a lot for this great break-through! (Of course not to forget the other people working on TIGCC ;-) )
Very gooood work guys, and please keep on working!
17 January 2001, 16:36 GMT