Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
Posted by Eric on 28 November 2000, 04:40 GMT
Samir Ribic has released a TCP/IP Suite for the TI-89. Guess what, kids? Yup, that's right. You can get on the Internet with your TI-89 now! You'll be able to use SLIP, IP, TCP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, and HTTP with this program. Imagine the possibilities. Anyway, the readme to this suite has good directions on using it, so be sure to read it carefully. In short, you'll need a gray Graph Link and a DOS Internet server to get this thing working.
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Re: Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
(Web Page)
Internet here I come... this is even easier than the ricochet modem idea cause i have a cable and don't have money (funny how that works)!
28 November 2000, 05:06 GMT
Re: Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
Josh Storz
(Web Page)
screw the executable, anyone know where i can get an 89?!? heh, /me wets myself. I've been happy with telnet83 for the 83 but this just amazes me. good work!
28 November 2000, 05:43 GMT
Re: Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
If you have not seen from sample file,
IP address of PC server is
IP address of TI89 is
28 November 2000, 09:35 GMT
Re: Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
Ryan Castellucci
Now if only I had a gray link I could get on irc from my calculator. BTW this dosn't work with winmodems does it? I know some are DOS compatable, but i think that only works in a DOS shell from windows. "WINMODEMS BAD"
28 November 2000, 18:17 GMT
Re: Samir Ribic Releases TCP/IP for TI-89
Tarquínio Mota
Hi! I'd just like to ask one thing... Would it be possible do use this with a radio link... That would be really cool!!! If it is, where could I find the schematics to a radio link that works well?
28 November 2000, 20:45 GMT
Whats the point?
I don't mean to put a damper on the situation but what is the point? Why would you want to have internet access on your calculator? If you have to be plugged into your computer anyways why not just use your computer to access the net?
28 November 2000, 23:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whats the point?
are you talking about Liberty?
It is a very stunning piece of work, all for only 16 bucks.
But, it recommends an overclocking utility to get decent speed with most games. Afterburner overclocks it to about 40 mhz, about the MOST speed you can get on a palm. It may be fine with a 4 mhz gameboy, but it be MUCH harder to emulate a 12 mhz ti-89 on a palm. There are some other shortcomings of the palm that limit emulation. Most obious are the keys. The 89 has 50 keys, the palm has 6. Sure, you can use the touch screen, but remember that over 80% of the screen has to be used to emulate the 89's screen. Then, you can use the grafitti writing protocol, but it would be EXTREMELY difficult to write in the numbers, sine, cosine, sq root, etc.
The 89 emulates slow even on a 200mhz pentium with VTI! Guess we'll have to wait for a palm XV or something
18 December 2000, 20:47 GMT
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