TI Releases Beta of TI-89/92+ SDK
Posted by Eric on 9 November 2000, 22:22 GMT
Welp, the long-awaited 68K Beta SDK is (almost) here. Colin Squier was the first of many to send in a link to the registration page for TI's new TI-89/92+ SDK, which was supposed to have come out last month. There you can register and download the TI FLASH Studio, which is approximately six megabytes large. Find more information at the above link. P.S. The "(almost)" in the preceding paragraph refers to a broken link at the end of the registration page. When I tried it myself, the registration was successful but the link to download the software was broken. Let me know when TI fixes it. Thanks! Update (Eric): Okay, lots of people have emailed me saying that the link has been fixed. You can stop emailing me now :).
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI Releases Beta of TI-89/92+ SDK
(Web Page)
Wow it's late October already?
10 November 2000, 01:52 GMT
Re: TI Releases Beta of TI-89/92+ SDK
Zeljko Juric
(Web Page)
It's now the time that I tell to the public the worst thing related to the SDK. It really "solves" the compatibility problem between various AMS versions, because it generate the code which works ONLY ON AMS 2.05!!! I didn't check it actually with this beta release, but all alpha releases produces the code which strongly depends of AMS 2.05, even if you make a "Hello world" program!!! I don't expect that this is changed in this beta release, because TI don't want anything on their calcs which is not AMS 2.05...
I will tell more in the future, when I would have a bit more time to discuss...
10 November 2000, 07:57 GMT
Inferior Code Generation
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
I recently downloaded the SDK and made some small tests of its C compiler. It seems to be significantly inferior to GCC. However, I'm not completely sure that there isn't some hidden optimization switch I just haven't found yet.
One of the routines I tried to compile is a grayscale masked sprite routine I've written. The TI-GCC version of the main loop takes 230 clock cycles, while the SDK's compiler generates a 324 cycle loop. I didn't count this very carefully, so there may a slight mistake (it also varies on the amount of shift, but I just set an amount) but it is clear that the SDK's output runs much more slowly. A large part of the problem seems to be poor management; it stores some values on the stack even when there are unused registers that could easily hold them.
10 November 2000, 10:29 GMT
Re: Re: Inferior Code Generation
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
For the interrupt installation routine I compiled a while back, the SDK actually optimized better than GCC, but both were very, very poor compared to the hand coded one.
I suspect that in a few select cases, the SDK version will be faster, but in general, GCC's build will be superior -- the Sierra compiler tends to avoid making any major changes in the code logic; it literrally compiles line-by-line. You can look at the ASM code (the .s file), and see each line of C code commented out, with its equivalent ASM directly below. This makes the sim's debugging possible, but it will often ignore possible optimizations that GCC will make.
10 November 2000, 18:00 GMT
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