Final POTM Results Posted
Posted by Eric on 1 November 2000, 22:55 GMT
Yes, the title is correct. As you may have read from the Newsletter already, we have decided to suspend POTM indefinitely. After long deliberation, the staff of has arrived at this simple conclusion. It is painfully obvious that it is impossible to satisfy everybody's idea of an ideal award. We did take into account the results of the recent survey. Unfortunately, the most popular choice had already been implemented and people at that time were not happy with it. Regardless, we realize that the POTM in its current form is hopeless. We thank everybody for participating with it in the past. We will keep the practice of featuring programs, and you may suggest featured programs by emailing The POTM results from last month are posted here.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
Thank's God! After four failed attempts, Tezxas won in the last possible chance.
Next version of Tezxas (Grayscale on HW2) is in waiting queue.
1 November 2000, 23:07 GMT
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
alex cooke
kinda like you implied, we won't be missing much
1 November 2000, 23:08 GMT
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
oh man! :( i was going to have first comment but since i'm sorta new i had to (was going to anyways) make an account. by the time i got done 2 comments were up already!
whats POTM stand for anyways?
1 November 2000, 23:15 GMT
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
I think a mistake is being made here. All that the last survey indicated was that users would like to be able to nominate any of the new programs in a given month, not that the system is "hopeless".
If it is possible to have a POTM with only featured programs, how can it be much more difficult to create an improved POTM with all the programs listed?
Due to size, it may be more convienient to make, say, a program of the quarter or year, but I believe that simply doing away with a major feature of this site is a mistake, especially when the answer to your problems is given right in the last survey.
1 November 2000, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Final POTM Results Posted
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
In their Mind, the system cannot be saved simply because they tried the nominate system before.
The major problems with the Nominate system to the majority of users at that time was that they didn't like the fact that they were voting twice for one POTM, Programs were winning it two or more times Either because it was ported to another calc or a bugfix was released and it got into the nomination, and that it took almost a month to vote for the last month, So at the rate the old system was going, there was a chance that for example we'd be voting for January's POTM in March.
So instead of improving the old system by 0consolidating the Nominate and Final Vote into one Vote, take out programs that previously won, and let the staff break the ties within it, they decdied with the current "Most popular ASM Game on the Most popular Calcutlator of the Month" joke of a system which solved none of the previous problems and added a ton more to the mix.
And Yes, I do agree with closing the POTM. either do it fairly or don't do it at all.
2 November 2000, 16:19 GMT
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
So there will be no reward anymore for our hard work (beside some personally thanx)? That's a real sad story. There is not much a programmer gets for his effort. And getting a POTM was a "big" thanx in the past for some of us.
Okay, the system was not the best one, but there are good suggestions how to improve it (see the other posts). Why not implementing one of the suggestions and try it again ??????
2 November 2000, 09:42 GMT

Re: Re: Final POTM Results Posted
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
Well, we've already gone through a couple different systems for the POTM nominations, and each one was equally hated. The thing is, we have bigger problems to deal with, and no one ever seemed to be happy with the way the awards were held. So there you go, it's gone.
But honestly, it doesn't take a genius to see that things like TI-GCC and the eBook reader are superior programs. Trying out different programs will help one find HIS programs-of-the-month. While it was an ego-boost for programmers, it was a lot of work and we decided it wasn't worth continuing to revamp.
If we think of something über-elite, maybe we can reimplement it. Until then, it rests in peace.
2 November 2000, 12:07 GMT
Re: Final POTM Results Posted
(Web Page)
Hi. Sorry that it's offtopic, but I don't know how to reach you guys otherwise since I didn't get a reply to any of my mails.
I want to contribute three files to the file-archive. Because there is no fit category for those files I mailed them to you with the request to create a new directory. First, I sent them to No response. Then I tried to send them to one of the archive maintainers in person:, and later
So now I try it this way. I would very much like one of you (preferrably someone who has got something to do with the file archives) contact me by email -se below- so we can sort this out. About a year ago I encountered the same problem, and some promises were made but there was no result, so I gave up. Now I have a newer version of the program and some additional tools and I actually would like it to work out this time.
~Grauw (
6 November 2000, 15:31 GMT