Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
Posted by Eric on 30 September 2000, 03:22 GMT
Eric Meeks, former member of the CCIA, has restarted his old team's efforts on Zelda89, which has been stalled for many months. He's currently looking for people to help with the arduous task of recreating this popular game, so if you'd like to help go fill out the application post-haste at Zelda89's new web page, simplysuper.com. Good luck, Eric!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
alex cooke
This is great! Now Zelda will be reawakened.:)
30 September 2000, 03:31 GMT
Re: Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
I wish Eric good luck, but I still believe that the map format is waaay too restricted to create a sufficiently advanced game.
The map consists of "screens" laid out in a rectangular array, and the game was designed to only allow linear transversal of the screens with a few teleports here and there, so levels can never be more complex than possbily a few floors of a dungeon laid out in a rectangular fashion. The game only has two tilesets - overworld and dungeon - each capable of only 64 tiles. The overworld tileset is 4 tiles away from being full, and you can only squeeze in a few more dungeon tiles.
The major problem is that the maps will all be more of the same, and I don't believe that anything there now shows any promise of being able to create puzzles of the same caliber as those in the NES original.
By all means, go ahead and try to improve it; I'm just not optimistic about it surpassing the technological limitations.
30 September 2000, 03:56 GMT
Re: Re: Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
Eric Meeks
(Web Page)
Ok, I think i answered your statement wrong before, you are obviously referring to the map not the screen, Anyways, I dont know where you got the idea that the overworld map is 4 tiles away from being done! Besides we are going to redo the entire map and make it better. There are a total of 324 screens to fill the entire map including the dungeons. The overworld for for the game boy game has 256 overworld screens. ours has 144 overworld screens. So the gameboy game will have 112 more than our game. Sure the game boy game will be larger, but people will be happy with the size of the game, besides, one the game is complete, cranking out new games will be a since, therefore creating the possiblility of multiple games. Also do not doubt our creativity, im sure we will be able to create increadible puzzles that will keep you thinking for hours. And, the rectangular shape of the dungeon will not matter, the dungeon doesnt have to be the shape of a skull or something to make it kewl. As you said, there will be warps. It will be cool.
1 October 2000, 17:48 GMT
This is great
This is the asm version right? Anyway hope it is a success. However I do wish someone would port tetris to hardware 2. There will be a positsion open on the Ginyu Force for the porter.
30 September 2000, 05:14 GMT
Eric Meeks
(Web Page)
I just want to say that ALREADY i am impressed, the news has been on the web for only a few hours and I already have 10 applications! and its the middle of the night! Hope to see more of you guys applying!
30 September 2000, 07:29 GMT
Re: Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
(Web Page)
why did you take down the screenshot?
30 September 2000, 19:04 GMT
Re: Efforts Restarted on Zelda89
Adam Larson
(Web Page)
Man i can't wait to play a good Zelda game for the ti 89 can u tell me when it will be done? Don't rush though because the quality of the game is very important. Thanks for bringing Zelda back i had been checking every week to see if it was completed i didn't know it completely stopped for a while.
3 October 2000, 19:58 GMT