Sonic Misadventures v0.36, SupercarII v0.98x, Baseball89
Posted by Eric on 28 September 2000, 04:07 GMT
Well. Seems like there hasn't been much program news lately. Anyway, without further ado, here's what's been going on these past few days. - Patrick Pelissier has released a new version of the popular game Sonic Misadventures for the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92+.
- Next, Antoine Jalabert has released a new version of the popular racing game, Supercar, one of my personal favorites. This version includes many interesting features, including link play for up to 4 players (no, silly, not 4 calculators; 4 people on 2 calculators) between any two 68K calculators. Nab it here for the TI-89.
- Finally, Sean Kelly has released a new version of Baseball 89. This program contains features such as 4-level grayscale, hitting, fielding, and more. Also check out his web page.
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Re: Sonic Misadventures v0.36, SupercarII v0.98x, Baseball89
Hey everyone
I really want a ti-89 to play all these cool games if anyone is selling any or knows where to get one please tell me. Also is anyone interested in building an ASM-C compiler or interested in building a CAS for the 86?
28 September 2000, 04:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Sonic Misadventures v0.36, SupercarII v0.98x, Baseball89
David Phillips
(Web Page)
What about ADD HL,SP? Say you want SP+4, it is simple:
ld hl,4
add hl,sp
; now HL points to the value, and you can
; do whatever you want with it
Since the stack grows downwards, you would use positive values to get function parameters and such, and use negative values to allocate variables. However, this is with a "traditional", non-optimizing compiler design. A code generator for Z80 would need to use register parameter passing, and for auto variables (if you haven't heard of this, you don't know the C language very well :) use fixed memory locations.
Which brings up a good question: why doesn't TI-GCC allow the use of register parameter passing? The only time you would need stack based calling is when interfacing with the ROM routines. And this wouldn't be necessary if the compiler that TI used had been decent.
I think that the author of the 86 CAS discontinued it because he is lazy :) Not that I'm not lazy, but if he really wanted to, he could finish it. And it would be better than the 89's software in many ways.
28 September 2000, 09:38 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Sonic Misadventures v0.36, SupercarII v0.98x, Baseball89
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
There already are three C compilers for the TI-86: Small C, TCC, and TISCO. They all do allow parameter passing by the stack, using either ADD HL,SP as described, or getting the stack pointer in IX and accessing values by offset. Of course either one of these methods is slow.
Of these three compilers, TISCO undoubtedly generates the best code, even though even its output isn't highly optimized. The slowness of using the stack can be easily overcome by the programmer by putting everything in global variables. Doing this, the output of the TISCO compiler is at least reasonable.
All three compilers also don't implement the C language completely, providing only subsets of it.
Also, I have to wonder how you could place automatic variables at fixed addresses. That would make them static variables, not automatic, since they're not specific to the invocation of the function. Of course, this could be done with some sort of elaborate scheme in which the variables are temporarily held in a fixed location, and backed up to a stack when needed, but I have to wonder whether this would improve efficiency at all.
28 September 2000, 20:14 GMT
Re: Sonic Misadventures v0.36, SupercarII v0.98x, Baseball89
(Web Page)
i have to say this:
I think eric is a much better poster than nick. granted he's new and all, but I do think that given the time that nick had, will have another era of news postings.
also - I'm looking for advanced 83+ developers, so give me an e-mail at
kinda 'top secret' like programming for it (z80)
ps: I freak and hate this 'handle'! will somebody react to my e-mails and change it for me?
28 September 2000, 12:11 GMT