David Critch Joins ticalc.org Staff
Posted by Eric on 23 September 2000, 04:08 GMT
We're pleased to announce a new member here at ticalc.org. David Critch will be working concurrently on the File Archives with our regular file archiver, Steve Whittaker. With two file archivers the archives should be updated much more frequently, so we're happy to welcome Dave to the staff.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
David Critch Joins ticalc.org Staff
(Web Page)
the end is near.
go dave!
an algorithm cannot fail.
23 September 2000, 04:25 GMT
Re: David Critch Joins ticalc.org Staff
(Web Page)
There was only one archiver before? Jeeez.....
23 September 2000, 05:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: David Critch Joins ticalc.org Staff
(Web Page)
My post is gone :( So, I will make a new one! Hey phil, hah, you did a sweet job with the archives ... you actually did them rather timely while I was adding unprecedented amounts of math programs, haha, remember that (so was THAT my job on ticalc?) Maybe, now that you have a stable connection and email address...bah...why do file archives again. Well, I am out of here...too bad my only chapter with ticalc.org was full of hate and henrik. One day, one day, I will figure out what the heck I did on that staff and what my title was...and then...i will stop caring.
26 September 2000, 17:43 GMT
Re: David Critch Joins ticalc.org Staff
Greg Schenzel
Awww, I wanted that job. Oh well, good luck for David though. Hey, are they looking for a third guy?
24 September 2000, 18:56 GMT