Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Posted by Nick on 3 September 2000, 00:54 GMT
I think that some guy by the name of Samir Ribic released Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1 for the 89 and the 92 Plus. I've always been a big fan of Samir's work in getting the ZX Spectrum games to work on the calculator; it's a prime place to show that sort of thing off, and porting old-school games to a platform suited to play old-school games just seems very fitting. :) Many bugfixes and AMS v2.0X support accompany this new version. Added zoom keys also exist. You can grab a bunch of Tezxas games and such at this page at the present moment. Good job to Samir on getting this version as stable as he possibly can: his efforts are much appreciated.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
Last night, I discovered why Fist II legend continues has damaged scroll routine, so number of redlighted programs will be reduced by 1 in next release.
3 September 2000, 09:25 GMT

Re: Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Bah, I don't see why grayscale is forbidden on HW2 calcs - contrary to popular opinion, HW2 grayscale programs do NOT run significantly slower than HW1 grayscale, they simple flicker more.
Samir, even though HW2 grayscale would require a few extra clocks, the chip in HW2 calcs is a TWELVE MHz 68k, as opposed to the TEN MHz in HW1 calcs (see TI's FAQ for confirmation). We discuss the issue every once in a while on the A89 mailing list, and the most recent conclusion is that HW2 grayscale will still be a bit slower, and the graphic quality will be reduced, but it's not unreasonably slow.
Besides, adding in the option to have HW2 grayscale doesn't really hurt - the user can choose how (s)he wants the program run and whether the speed sacrifice is worthwhile.
3 September 2000, 09:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
> First convert ZxSpectrum image to TI89
> bitplanes, and then put bitplane to screen.
Then you'll already halfway there. . . copying from bitmap to screen only takes about 13,000 clocks if done correctly (optimized with movem, etc) - see my HW2 grayscale source. This is sufficiently fast running every fourth call of auto-int 1 (or every call of auto-int 5), which runs at about 375 Hertz.
Therefore, the grayscale copying takes 13,000 * (375/4) = 1,218,750 clocks per second. HW2 calcs are 2 MHz faster, while the HW2 grayscale only slows it down 1.2 MHz.
The result is that HW2 GRAYSCALE IS STILL FASTER THAN HW1 GRAYSCALE! It might flicker a bit more, and the CPU won't be idle as often, but speed is a poor excuse for not implementing it.
And the 13,000 clocks is for copying the _entire_ screen buffer, on the 92+. I can do a mere 11,600 clocks on a HW2 89.
I rest my case - stop listening to all this crap about HW2 grayscale being slower and go implement it - I wanna play purdy Tezxas games =)
4 September 2000, 18:34 GMT
Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
(Web Page)
Too bad I no longer have my TI89!
I suggest a feature for the TI89 version: draw every fourth pixel from the 2x2 shrink each frame, would that improve or worsen the graphics?
3 September 2000, 18:14 GMT
Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1 won't work
I'm have a calc with HW 2 and ASM 2.5. Why won't it work with my calc.
4 September 2000, 19:02 GMT
Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Sérgio Gomes
(Web Page)
Thankx for creating this OS!
5 September 2000, 00:23 GMT
Re: Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.1
Sérgio Gomes
(Web Page)
Thankx for creating this OS!
I have already 'Hacked' it,but i want to know more.
BEE goog and release the source.
TI92plus on irc.net
5 September 2000, 00:25 GMT