TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Posted by Eric on 1 September 2000, 17:51 GMT
Texas Instruments has released several of its TI-83+ FLASH applications for free as a back-to-school offer. You can now download Organizer, Periodic Table, Interactive Graphing, and Inequality Graphing for free until October 31st. After that they'll presumably be $28 as before. More information here. Note that you must have purchased your TI-83+ between August 15th and October 15th to qualify for this offer. Thanks to John Wyrwas for the link.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Tim Buckingham
(Web Page)
bad eric. very bad. old news :)
1 September 2000, 20:21 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
(Web Page)
there's gotta be some way to hack the apps so you can change the specified ID...
anyway, this is really pretty silly. like john mentioned above, nothing is validated (except a check to see if the zip code, state, and cities match up) and they're going to lose a bit of money on this...
i hope that the inputted ID will count hyphens as spaces, or vice versa, else I'll have to re-buy everything again...lol...
1 September 2000, 20:35 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
(Web Page)
There is a new one coming out, I am not sure if it is going to be part of this package or not.
1 September 2000, 20:44 GMT
(Web Page)
Why are you people complaining so much? This is cool - TI giving out bug-free (so far) software they worked hard to create. These are great apps (even if the periodic table is a bit redundant) that are backed by a reliable company. I'm sure their goal here is to get users interested in their flash apps site, but that's okay. And for those of you complaining about buying a GL, everyone should have one, and why would you visit ticalc.org if you didn't have one or plan to get one? Quit complaining! This is capitalism! Be happy!
2 September 2000, 00:05 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
TI's website says "you must have purchased your TI-83+ between August 15th and October 15th"
However, it doesn't specify from whom you must have purchased your calculator. Does this mean it would be perfectly legal for me to buy someone else's year-old 83+ and download all of ti's apps for free?
2 September 2000, 04:18 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Brian Timmons
(Web Page)
LOL! About a year ago i bought the periodic table app, what a rip off...
anyway, even though it is not right, i downloaded them for free, they should not charge for them!
2 September 2000, 04:30 GMT
PR Ploy OR Russian TI
I think this is to get ti out of the news for the recent tinews.net fiasco. Kind of a goodwill--give back to the community (Forgive us, take these silly apps)--type of a thing.
I personally dont believe in buying apps. Why are they selling calculaters with missing features and CHARGING THE PUBLIC for the additional features? Sure, a periodic table is not required for anything, but it sure would give them a better image to give it away. Kind of like choose your features. That would be neat "hey i dont use finance/stat plots/Cubic reg, so if i delete them from catalog, i'll have more flash memory, and i could put it on later<--Missing end quote I have the image of TI being like old Stalin-russia--"Must hide/ burn/ destroy/ encrypt/ all secrets or THE ENEMY will get them and ?????(insert favorite verb here) them!!" Why wont they let us use our own OS, for example.
If they went open source( the only way to go ) then we could make some truly powerful apps indeed.
2 September 2000, 06:30 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
(Web Page)
When are they going to start producing cool TI-89 Flahs programs and make an offer like this? I mean, I spent the extra 50 dollars to buy it, and there's only stuff in the flash section that my 83 came with. Man, I thought by buying an 89 I'd atleast get some good free flash apps.. just look at how many there are in the 83+ section.
2 September 2000, 20:35 GMT

Re: Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Actually, there really aren't that many 83p APPS... there are really only 4 apps for purchase, its just that three of them you can also buy the version with a site license... making it look like there are 7... then for free there is pretty much just the updated OS, start-up customization, and A LOT of CBL/CBR stuff (useless if you don't have one). Then there are DEMOS of the ones you can buy. There's even a chinese language localization thing, which is only useful for those who speak chinese...
As for 89 flash apps:
free: there is the OS, statistics with list editor, and finance.
purchase: EE Pro, Sketchpad, and Cabri (Sketchpad and Cabri are very similar and there's no reason why anybody would want to buy both... they can't both fit on the calc at the same time anyway...)
So there are a few more 83p apps but most of them you can't use unless you have CBL/CBR and others are just demos, so subtracting these the 83p has maybe 1 more app than the 89...
It would be nice to have start-up customization for the 89 though... (although this is probably possible with some assembly programming, it would be nice if TI "ported" their start-up cust. from the 83p to the 89!)
sorry for my seemingly endless babbling...
2 September 2000, 22:01 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
(Web Page)
How can the Applications check if you have bought the calc between aug-oct, ????
3 September 2000, 16:28 GMT
Re: TI Gives TI-83+ FLASH Applications for Free
Paul Marks
(Web Page)
I think some ASM programmers (maybe myself too) should work on programs that do
the same thing that the apps do so that charging for them becomes obsolete...
As in TI comes out with a new app, and ASM programmers work on a (smaller) program that does
exactly the same thing. I wonder how long it would be until TI tries to shut down the free
program environment when it starts affecting business. Just a thought. Because none of those
apps are really worth what you pay for it... I would have more fun writing it myself _ANYWAY_!
Just some food for thought there :)
13 September 2000, 00:13 GMT
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