POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
Posted by Andy & Eric on 1 September 2000, 17:17 GMT
It's that time of the month again. We are pleased to announce the winners of the July 2000 Program of the Month Award. Additionally, you may cast your votes on the August 2000 Program of the Month Award. As usual, the new issue of the ticalc.org Newsletter has also been released to the Newsletter archives. Update (Nick): Um... looks like my program won. Yay me. Actually, I don't think that it really deserves to win, primarily because it displays absolutely no coding prowess whatsoever. At any rate, I've asked Andy to pull my program from the POTM winners list, and he gladly complied. Apologies to anyone who was infuriated over this; I was complaining too. Thank you.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: POTM: August 2000 Vote, July 2000 Results (primer comentario)
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
At least there are some non-89 programs this time.
1 September 2000, 17:34 GMT
Re: POTM: August 2000 Vote, July 2000 Results
Sebastian Reichelt
(Web Page)
I don't believe it. How many times did you vote for yourself, Nick? ;-)
Yes, I know that doesn't work. Just kidding...
1 September 2000, 17:35 GMT
Re: POTM: August 2000 Vote, July 2000 Results (segundo comentario)
Daniel Bishop
(Web Page)
Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator v1.00000069 is one of the winners.
Good to see that all that hype wasn't wasted :)
1 September 2000, 17:39 GMT
Re: POTM: August 2000 Vote, July 2000 Results
(Web Page)
I think the fact that this game won would imply that nobody is making anything cool for the 86 ....
1 September 2000, 17:53 GMT
Re: POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
How the HELL does Wacky Fun Number Generator win? That's it, I'm boycotting the POTM.
1 September 2000, 19:21 GMT
Re: POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
Marcos Lopez
(Web Page)
This is a joke. If Nick's joke program deserves a POTM award more than TI-Minesweeper, this is an insult.
I thought this was serious contest. I for sure won't vote again.
1 September 2000, 20:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
I was against the ROM _pirating_, not hacking. If you own a calc, by all means, hack at its ROM all you want. I loved Archive Utility =)
I have nothing against minesweeper - it's on my calc - it's just that I favor the technical achievement over the nothing-revolutionary-but-still-fun. It's the same thing with, say, tetris - I love the game, but I'd rather see the person who performs the greater feat get the credit. I was just complaining about how people voting for POTM typically aren't informed enough to make a "good" choice, especially when a version of street fighter that isn't stable wins.
And hey, Hamilton was an elitist, and his face is on our money, so he couldn't have been too bad =)
2 September 2000, 23:43 GMT
Re: POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
Paulo Marques
Of course Nick winning is a joke! duh...
anyway, I can't vote for a program for the 89! agh! it would feel like i was being unfair to the others! damn...
1 September 2000, 21:23 GMT
Re: POTM: July 2000 Results, August 2000 Vote, September 2000 Newsletter
Marcos Lopez
(Web Page)
Oh, I saw that you removed Nick's program. If you didn't want this happening, why was it nominated?? It feels that a lot of votes were wasted. I just don't understand anything.
Well, I think this has to make you Ticalc people think about the format of the POTM voting again...
Good luck to everyone!
2 September 2000, 01:52 GMT
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