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Bin2Var v1.20, TICT eBook Reader v1.50
Posted by Nick on 25 August 2000, 01:13 GMT

After careful consideration I have decided against furthering my unsorted list-related binge. In this news item, you will find the exact same amount of creamy goodness as the others, but this one lacks 100% of the UL tags of older news items. Apologies for the wait of an entire week - simply scads of time - before this came out, but planning 34801248217348124 rendezvouses and social functions before going off to college have detained me. That and the fact that no good news has been made recently. Without further ado:

David "I Know Linux Better Than You Do" Phillips has released Bin2Var v1.20. This nifty little program will convert your binary images to a calculator-friendly format. The following formats are supported: 82P, 83P, 8XP, 85S, 86P and 86S. Unlike DevPac83 and DevPac8X, these programs will work under Windows NT and Windows 2000 (my OS of choice, may I add). Quality job.

Thomas "Mad Propz" Nussbaumer released an interesting program called TICT eBook Reader v1.50 for the 89 and the 92 Plus, along with several interesting e-books. He also forwarded me an excellent link to a collaborative effort called Project Gutenberg. I got Ayn Rand's Anthem off of this. Fantastic stuff. Now, if someone could only convert the whole archive... :)


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Re: Bin2Var v1.20, TICT eBook Reader v1.50
Macintosh  Account Info

If you owned the book though, couldnt you have an ecopy of it legally?

     30 August 2000, 14:50 GMT
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