Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
Posted by Nick on 12 August 2000, 03:20 GMT
I'm writing these two news items not in the same order of my posting them. It's confusing and troubling me. At any rate, Jerome Cornet emailed me a few days ago (sorry for the late post) about his adding Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta to our archives. Any Macintosh users (like Amitai *grin*) will enjoy this program and its features quite a great deal. This program is a result of David Ellsworth's porting of the Fargo source about a month ago. A68K and FLinker have now been successfully ported to the Macintosh platform. The programs generated are identical to the fargo development kit for DOS and Linux. At the moment, no TI-92 Plus support is available, but this still looks really good, and it's such a wonderful step in the right direction for the Mac platform. This will run on any Mac with System 7 (also a good techno band).
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
(Web Page)
well, maybe if you put linux on the mac it might be o.k.?
12 August 2000, 04:57 GMT
Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
(Web Page)
This is great news!!! Too bad I don't have a 92, 'cause it'd go great with my *deliciously* BRAND NEW iMac DV Special Edition Graphite. Paid $1500 for it, 500MHz G3 processor, 128MB RAM, 30GB Hard Drive, DVD Player, and Cows. Yum.
-Fil and his only $0.02, after investing in the above
12 August 2000, 05:26 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
(Web Page)
NO, If you pull up a terminal window and run "top" you can monitor how much mem, cpu, etc. that each and every running process is using up.
On my old Pentium 200 MMX W/128MB RAM, I would be editing Webpages, Playing MP3's in XMMS, editing graphics in The GIMP, and at least 8 Virtual Desktops full of such and similar activities with at least 3-8 programs running in each one.
Sometimes, I would even copy large amount of data with all of this going on, (1-2 gig's of MP3's)
MP3's never skipped Not even if anything else where to crash, and they only took up 5% of my CPU at MOST!!!
Of course with Linux, anything crashing at all is very rare. If it is to crash you simply kill the process that froze up, etc. and continue as if nothing had happened. This is much more efficient than the Microsoft "reboot often" quick fix.
Not only this but you can have 6 different actual terminal windows (alt+F1) - (alt+F6) + 6 instances of X-Windows running "GNOME, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Blackbox, KDE, etc." all at the same time. (ctrl+alt+F7) - (ctrl+alt+F12). If this isn't a real OS with Killer possibilities then what is?
"Linux, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
14 August 2000, 00:59 GMT
Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
I didn't even know this Amitai guy _existed_ before I read this news item... :-P
12 August 2000, 13:13 GMT
Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
Nathaniel Gibson
(Web Page)
I certainly hope that last sentence means 'System 7 or above'. The current up-to-date version of the operating system is 9.0.4!
12 August 2000, 13:35 GMT
Re: Mac TI-92 IDE v1 Beta by Jerome Cornet
Ben Lukens
(Web Page)
I dont suppose there's much chance of us getting a decent z80 dev environment? I thought there was one in the works a few months ago, but guess nothing really ever came of it.
13 August 2000, 05:30 GMT