Advanced Text Editor v.5 Beta
Posted by Nick on 6 August 2000, 22:50 GMT
Math is fun! Jonah "I Just Can't Get Enough" Cohen has released a crazy (dare I say "insane?!") new program called Advanced Text Editor v.5 Beta for the 86. It looks very nice, but of course my view on it is tainted considering the fact that Jonah interrogated me for several hours one night a few weeks back on what the acronym should spell out. That was irksome, but the program shouldn't be! Looking at the screenshot, its versatility looks quite nice, allowing for a great range of editing options and all that fun stuff. It doesn't allow text styles, which is really trivial on a calculator-based text editor anyway. The lack of frivolous features and bells & whistles on this program leads to simplicity and efficiency in design, and that's a much stronger point in my opinion. Oh, yeah, and this doesn't even need to be in the headline, since it happens so often :P, but the delicious Patrick Davidson has released Phoenix v7.02 for the 89, 92, and the 92 Plus. Man, no wonder Patrick is the most downloaded author: he brings out 318024172384 releases of the same program every week! :P
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Re: Re: Advanced Text Editor v.5 Beta
Jonah Cohen
(Web Page)
It's a long story. Originally, ATE was going to be called Word86, but I decided that that was probably a bad name for an editor, since MS Word is not exactly a word-processor to aspire to, plus the fact that ATE does totally different things and is technically a text editor and not a word processor. I also considered other names such as WOMBAT (Wombat Opens Many Boring Analectic Texts), but eventually decided that Advanced Text Editor, with a pronounceable and not overly weird acronym ATE, was the best choice. All of these choices were developed and/or discussed via AIM and ICQ with Nick, Kirk Meyer, and Scott Noveck.
I know that the word "ate" has nothing to do with editing text, but it's pronouceable and concise. Plus chances are that not too many people will know what analectic texts are :-)
7 August 2000, 02:40 GMT
Re: Advanced Text Editor v.5 Beta
uNF Master!
(Web Page)
Wh00t!!! I love writing up spiffy texts on 86!
Good job Jonah!
6 August 2000, 23:10 GMT
Re: Advanced Text Editor v.5 Beta
(Web Page)
jonah, you are one reet coder my friend.
6 August 2000, 23:48 GMT
Top downloaded author/
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
Ironically, it turns out that I am not the most downloaded author any more (for the current week, at least).
Instead, the most downloaded author for this week (since the counters start over on Sunday, this really means the most for the one day) is Erik J. Beerlage, whose TI-83 BASIC Misc Program "0Desktop v2.3" is not only the most downloaded program this week, but has been downloaded more times this week than the next 6 programs combined, and also single-handedly accounts for slightly more than one third of all downloads for the TI-83.
7 August 2000, 00:52 GMT
What if
What if this program was used to write a document about how to bomb the court houses, could the author be held responsable for the actions of the user? Could the author of this program be sued by the government for writing the software that was used to create a document detailing how to create an atomic bomb that some 12 year old followed through with?
This post is about the recent ruling against Napster. Come on fellas we need to write our congressmen. We need to yell and scream. If we do not, we could be responsable for the users of our code.
Oh yea, this program has a bug ;> Locked up my calc. Looks pretty nice though. Keep up the good work.
7 August 2000, 17:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Help
(Web Page)
Umm, no. Ok, anyone who is dumb enough to take the back cover off their calc because a program crashed it should be taken out back and shot. Read: DO NOT TAKE OFF THE COVER! If it was a program that crashed the calc, you only need to take out the backup battery by unscrewing that screw in the battery case, and your four main AAA. The only time you should EVER take off that cover, is like, if you messed it up in the first place, or are modifying your calc, which I would not recomend doing if you can't even recover from a crash.
p.s. Try hitting on, then if nothing happens, try hitting the 2nd button, then holding the up arrow.
10 August 2000, 19:32 GMT
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