Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
Posted by Nick on 5 August 2000, 06:05 GMT
We've had this in the making for several months now, and we're very pleased to (FINALLY!) get it out to the public. As of this posting, is announcing the establishment of a team of people (headed by myself and Andy) for screenshotting the files in our archives. We're establishing a staff that will bask in the warm glow of fringe benefits: a (forwarding) email address, and constant communication with the staff on in-house matters. You'll be subscribed to a mailing list for screenshot staff members where we talk about various administrative aspects of the site. Fun stuff abounds! Your responsibility, as a staff member, will be to screenshot as many files as possible. We keep track of who does what, so you'd better work! :) We have an application available for download. After you're done filling it out, email it to We'll start to accept the first members about two weeks from now. We hope to see you as a part of our team very soon! Also, Eric the Hamster informed me that a new review staff application, which coincidentally looks a great deal like the screenshot staff application, is up in the Reviews section.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
(Web Page)
I hope the application I sent in for reviews goes through...
5 August 2000, 06:18 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
Henry Chang
How many ss staff will there be?
5 August 2000, 06:27 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
alex cooke
i just hope i get accepted into this elite staff.
5 August 2000, 07:11 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
Uhh, Eric, you forgot to delete a 'screenshot' reference in the Reviews Application.
5 August 2000, 08:23 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
<nonsensical psycho babble>
Eric The Hamster.... hmm... any relation to Eric the Half-A-Bean...?
</nonsensical psycho babble>
5 August 2000, 08:26 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
from the app-what is each of the following and how do I get one:
I only what to know since at least one of them are required to be considered.
**scuss ma stupidatie**
**excuse my stupidity**
5 August 2000, 09:20 GMT
Re: Re: Screenshot Staff Established, New Reviews Application
Jeff Meister
AIM: Stands for AOL Instant Messenger. It's a chat program, pretty much for one-on-one chat. Very simple, you just put people's screennames on your buddy list to see them and when they're on, you talk to them.
ICQ: Doesn't stand for anything, but if you say it out loud it sounds like I seek you. I don't know very much about this, since I've never used it, but I think it's also more one-on-one chat.
IRC: Stands for Internet Relay Chat, and in my opinion, is the best of the bunch. Ever seen Nick or other people here do something like "/me message"? That's an IRC command, and there are lots more like it. IRC can get very complicated at times, with ops, bots, and channels, and sometimes people seem to forget that it's just a damn chat program.
- one[2] (on IRC), #roms4free, #ti-net
5 August 2000, 17:26 GMT
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