TI-83+ Robot from Norland Research
Posted by Eric on 2 August 2000, 03:43 GMT
Kevin FitzGerrell sent in a link about a new Calculator Robot from Norland Research. This robot uses a TI-83+ for controls, and allows a user to easily construct a TI-BASIC program that calls an assembly program to move the robot around. Pretty nifty stuff.
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Re: TI-83+ Robot from Norland Research
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
That girl on the right is not hot. You can't really see her face in this picture, and I doubt most people who don't spend 23 hours a day looking at a calculator would want to. I can't tell whether the other (with that "whack" haircut) in the picture is a guy or a girl. If it is a she, then she is probably a dike, and if it is a he, then that dude is a skank.
3 August 2000, 07:22 GMT
ideas for a ti controlled robot
matt c
(Web Page)
after seeing this and the older ti86 robot, and cus the lego mindstorm set is around 200$ im intrested in making my own ti86 controlled robot.
this is a quick idea i came up with for controlling the robot.
have an asm prog send signals out the like port, since there are 2 wires each wire could control 1 side. so you can have 1 on to turn or both to go straight or none on to stop.
i havent looked into this at all but if anyone has some critism it would be very appreciated.
3 August 2000, 07:26 GMT
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